Chapter 3: The curse

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 He remained at a disconcertingly close distance though, making me feel awkward. " what's your name th-then?" I stutter. Where did all my confidence suddenly run off to?

"I go by Choriandus, and nothing more." I couldn't help but notice the twinge of bitterness in his voice as he said this. I wonder why? Well I shall soon find out!

"So Chory," I state casually, "What say ya tell me what you mean by 'curse'?" Smooth, real smooth. Sigh.

"Precisely what I implied. Do you wish me to unravel the bonds of my soul to a wandering vagrant, simply because you seem to have made your path to my abiding place by faulty means?"He said this with incredulity and irritation in his words.

"Whoa there mate. I didn't imply any of that. Yo-wait. Did you call me a vagrant? Not very polite. I may look a bit scruffy, but that is because the 'faulty means' you mentioned was me being dragged by an old woman! No need to be so suspicious. Why don't we try getting to know each other, then, if you do not trust me. Maybe we could get-hey! So that's what I heard!" I shout in excitement, relieved to be free of my nervous ramblings and his piercing stare.

I dash over to the large flute like instrument and gaze at it warily, afraid he might not want me to touch it. I was right. I jump back with a "Yeesh!" as he snatches it up speedily.

"This is not an object in which you shall inquire. I do not wish to speak of it nor will I grace you with it's melody should you ask.

Well then. "Er, sorry." I apologize bashfully. My parents were right about my nosiness I guess, heheh. At this his eyes softened, and I nearly melted. Geez! I'm turning into a bloody girl!

"I am the one due for an apology. I have been rather cross with you, and none of this is your doing. For that I sincerely apologize." His voice rings with regret and sincerity as he says this, his husky baritone sending tingles down my spine. See? Completely effeminate.

"It's no problem big fella! Why don't we abandon here and get to know each other better, yeah?" I reply feeling more cheerful and in the meantime forgetting his mentioning the curse.

"Alas, I can not. I said before I am bound here eternally, with my music alone as fellowship." Chory mumbles sadly, his gaze downcast.

"Well...." I drag out not entirely positive of how to ask him about his dilemma. Something inside me is telling me I should believe him though. Hell, even this place seems to tell me to believe Choriandus' words. Who'd roam about this place playing music for no audience on purpose, anyway?

"Well we can get to know each other here then!" I yell happily and plop down, fidgeting on the dirty floor. I didn't want to stay here, but I strangely didn't want to leave him here, maybe because I was just human or because I was deeply intrigued and slightly scared of what this man did to my insides.

I wasn't gay, but for some reason unknown to me Choriandus was a hefty exception. A weight seemed to lift from his shoulders, like he thought I would bolt or something. He sighed and sat unnervingly close to me, our arms almost touching. It gave me goosebumps.

"I am not comfortable, but I shall tell you. I feel queer, as though I must abide in you.'' I struggled not to snort with laughter at his choice of words, instead opting to hear the reason for his strange dialect than mock it.

"I come from the Middle Ages, as I understand they are called in this time. I have adapted immensely to the language of the times, though I fear I am still outdated quite. My language is originated from the Latin I used to speak, so I am faring well, though your words will no doubt confuse me, and mine you. My family was very loving, and I had many siblings, now all gone of course. There was a huge bout of witchcraft in my time. Real witches, not the frivolous beings of this century. There were search parties about day and night, though they rarely found the true witches, and even warlocks. The villagers and council burned and drew the heads of many innocent people, and few actual magical entities, if any. All my life, I had been extremely talented in the area of music. The instrument you see is the very tool I played in my youth. The flute, I believe it is called here, though the structure is much changed as of now I presume. I was so skilled, in fact, that people would come in a mass to listen upon. I would lull my younger siblings to sleep in the night for my mother. The council eventually found out about my prowess, and came to witness it themselves. I was ecstatic, to say the least, for I dreamed of a wonderful title for myself one day, such as Sir Choriandus of Harmony, or such. Titles meant absolutely everything in my day, you must understand. A title determined your marriage, your living, your life if you will. I was determined to live a full life, and be able to help my loving family as well. The thing that would have ensured my future led to my demise. The council hearkened upon my tune, and were so enchanted they were enraged! They shouted and pulled me by my hair, but then something strange happened. A woman, waved her hands about in a manner which was actually quite frightening. It all stopped, everything.

"She said to me, "'Ye shall suffer for surpassing my abilities. How dare thee make a mockery of a witches talent!! I curse thy fate to an eternity of that which you are so fond. You shall never play for any ones ears but your own again. You shall spend a thousand lifetimes in the sound of your music. Never to be seen again!''' And then she was gone, and I was being dragged to a stake. I was pale and shaking, having never encountered a witch's wrath before. I was tied to a stake and burned alive. I was f-forced to watch my family's faces fill with grief at my pain, something that w-was worse for me than all the t-torment.'' At this he finally paused, and I felt my heart breaking into pieces for this man.

He hadn't once shed his mask for the telling of his horrible past. Tears pricked my eyes, and I seized his hand to give him comfort. He looked at me curiously before tightening his hand around mine.

"I woke up here. I knew what had happened. I wasn't daft. This place was once beautiful, beyond earthly beauty for a place of eternal imprisonment. The witch had banished me for having a musical talent beyond her own. See, she couldn't use magic for selfish things. I can imagine what dark places she has been taken to for this very curse of selfishness, and this thought has been my only solace for countless years. In truth, I am without words to say my happiness concerning your presence, yet I have matured a great deal and control any and all emotion I may feel, if I wish to." He says, begging me to understand with his eyes.

He seems shocked though, to see the tears flowing from my eyes. I simply wrap my arms around his wide frame, trapping his arms beneath mine. I can imagine how in need of any sort of positive interaction he would need, blimey ANY interaction would suffice!

Slowly I hear him start to weep, and his own arms snake around my torso. He holds for how long I don't care to remember. "I haven't wept in a hundred years," he says choked into my shoulder. I squeeze him tighter, vowing to get him out of here and to put a smile on his gorgeous face if it's the last damned thing I do!

-------there you go! if you are reading don't be shy and comment ^mm^---------

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