Chapter 8: Hide&Seek

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-------I need more fans and votes please peeps!! don't be shy to comment!! constructive criticism is welcomed ;) This chapter is dedicated to Skenekidz for being my favorite author on wattpad-----------

I looked to my left and my eyes meet chory's, wide and frantic. There are about 50 angry Mexicans coming toward us down the street, and he is smiling. For heaven's sake.

"Chory! Don't look so proud. This is your fault." He blinks at me and says, "What do you mean? They all seem rather excited to see us!" he says and I slap my forehead. He has me doing that alot lately.

"The lot are not excited. They are ANGRY. I understand that you DON'T understand, believe me, I do. But they are getting closer, and we need to, I dunno, run, maybe?" I suggest, and his eyes widen in understanding finally as we turn and prepare to run.

"Ready?" I ask and he nods. Suddenly I am unsure of his ability to run due to present condition, but I have no time to dwell as he starts without me.

"Hey! Jerk!" I yell and push my little legs up beside him. We hear yells and shouts behind us getting louder. I yell "Faster!" and we pump our weak legs as hard as we can, and he with his long legs strides way ahead of me. I pant and try to catch up, but even though he has not done much for a, well considerably long amount of time, size matters in these things. I turn a corner and see him waiting at the end of the sidewalk, a panicked look on his face. As soon as he spots me his expression clears and I finally catch up to him, panting.

"Are we-" Chory starts to ask, but then the gang (i'm guessing they are) turn the corner as well. I hastily pull chory into a nearby warehouse and whisper, "Quiet" to him. We hear footsteps and chattering go bye, and I wait a few minutes before letting out a breath and thanking my lucky starsI didn't have an asthma attack.

Yep. Lucky me huh? Asthma. Chory is looking around again, and I notice that once more he has seized my hand. I must inadvertently taught him that it was form of comfort last night, and he took a liking to it I guess. I don't mind hehehe. Heh. I look around with chory and see that this used to be some sort of monster energy drink warehouse. Weird.

"What is this? Where are we, Simon?" chory asks curiously and I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I got some questions for you first, mate. What in the HELL is a GACHNE? You know, what that witch was calling me?" I state and lick my over-dried lips. He clasps his hands behind his back and purses his still too-white lips.

"It means a Distributer, in your time, if my translation is correct. It foretells that you will be able to understand without effort or learning how break a curse or spell, but you cannot do it. You can simply Know." He nods after this, as though proud he got the explanation right.

"She must be wrong though," I reply. "I am nothing special. I can't just DO these kinds of things!" I yell incredulously, looking up at him.

"It can only be done in your presence as well. You can break it, but only if you are able to think of it. As if you are a key to the breaking of curses."He says more to himself than to me, as he starts to walk around gazing at empty boxes of monster, even some empty cans.

How does what he said pertain to what I said? Ugh. I might as well just answer his questions and find out about all this later. I'll never get anywhere with him when he is distracted like a kid at the candy shop.

"So now you shall explain to me what all of this is? I beg?" he says with a cute pout. Gah! He must've practiced that in all his down time. It is more than irresistible, I tell you. I run my fingers through my hair again, and give him a slight smile, to which he beams at.

"What would you like to know?" I figure starting at the beginning is best.

"What are these metallic tubes?" he questions as he picks one up and twirls it in his big hands, examining it curiously.

"They are what most people use to hold portable beverages, in this case the beverage would be to provide you with energy." I shrug, and stick my hands in my pockets. I hear a little titter sort of noise just then, but dismiss it. Probably a mouse.

"Truly?! Whatever kinds of things would one put in a beverage to make it produce ENERGY!?" He says like it's the most amazing thing ever. I grin slightly, working it over in my mind how exactly to explain this to him.

"Well, they use urine from a bull." I state simply. I wait for his reaction bemusedly, and laugh outright when he says, "Pope Innocent the Third!! WHY!!??" I just laugh, unable to respond.

I catch my breath and say. ''I guess it gives energy? I am not sure. It is not JUST bull urine, calm yourself." He calms and I giggle slightly at how worried he was. I hear yet another tittering sound, but louder, like a marble falling on the floor. Definitely not a mouse that time.

I give chory a look and he stays quiet this time, gratefully. I peek out of one of the boards to see Mustachio-Man walking up to this warehouse! I grab chory and force his large self behind a mountain of crates and crouch next to him. He groans, and I nudge him to shut him up. Guess I forced him a little too hard, oops. Oh heavens that sounds perverted. I hear Mustachio-Man come in and I tense, keeping as quiet as I can. At least he is smaller than me, other than some of the others that caught my eye when I peeked through the boards, who were bigger and looking in other warehouses for us. I know chory probably couldn't take them even though he was bigger. I realised Chory is much taller than the six foot one I previously guessed. Maybe 6'5' or more! I peek above the crates to see Mustachio-Man shove out of the door in anger. Whew!! My lucky stars are on fire today! Get it? Cause stars just big balls of.....Nevermind. Bad pun.

"You may sit up now, the coast is clear." I say happily, and Chory sits up and immediately looks over at me, worry in his eyes. And is that.....embarrassment?

''What is it Chory? I'm sorry for pushing you, honest, but Mustachio-Man was coming and I just-" he puts a finger to my lips to stop me, and I look at him curiously.

"T'is not the reason but--just a moment. Did you say, Mustachio-Man?" he says tilting his head at me. I snort and push his finger away.

"Pshhh no way, you are hearing things, fool." I lie and am glad it is too dark for him to see my pink cheeks. He gives me a look that says he knows i'm lying, but then the sun peaks through the boards at just the right moment and I see a blush on HIS cheeks.

"Chory? Everythin' alright?" He sighs and looks at me, or in my direction I guess, and shifts a little.

"I am afraid not. You see...I-ah, I did not like to use the lavatory often at my dwelling place, so it happens that I currently have a predicament." He says meekly, and I can't suppress a giggle behind my hand a this. But I am curious.

"How though? You didn't even eat!" I say amused, and shuffles again.

"I did. It was necessary I survived to endure the torment, so I was provided water bread and a small portion of pork every day twice a day." He whispers and I stare surprised. Well it is no wonder he isn't too fat or emaciated. A bit too skinny though.

"Why didn't you use the lavatory?" I say and eye him gently.

"Erm, can we find one now? I am in dire need of one!" he tells me desperately and I laugh again. Too funny. I stand and grab the nearest part of him and lift. Fatty!! Why doesn't he weigh less?! I head to the boards and look out. Still roaming menacingly, I see. We'll have to wait, and be quieter.

"Sorry chap, but you are gonna have to hold for a while, our pursuers are still awaiting our arrival." I say feeling bad for him. It doesn't stop me from giggling though when he whimpers in impatience. Boy oh boy, Is it going to be a long morning.

---and chapter 8 is done! Comment, vote, fan!!(if you liked it) Need five comments for next chapter=/------------

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