Chapter 23: Parental consent

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----------Hai gaiz. Hope you like this chapter, I totally winged it because I got another fan, so I typed this out of love for barugula. That's the fan, by the way. Enjoii ya?-----------

I still have no idea where we are going. I am sick of saying that. Juicy doesn't even know! I slept for an hour and all I see outside is dirt, tumbleweed, and Joshua trees. Fabulous. The two lovebirds in front of us make out every two minutes, making the trip that much longer. 

"Juicy! Come on, you have got to have an idea of some sort!" I yell, making her glare at me. 

"Well SOR-REE! I don't see you coming up with any brilliant plans! We can't just go to a hotel, and our next safe house is days away by car!" I groan in frustration, and then snap up in my seat. By car! I have an idea!

"Wait! What if we don't go by car? We could go by plane!" I suggest, and she rolls her eyes. Chory is looking focused, probably trying to remember what I told him about planes.

"We don't have the money for that. I am not made of cash you know." Ugh. Well there goes that. She is looking at me strangely though, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Simon? Where did you buy those pants?" Huh? Why would that matter?

"Um, I didn't. My parents bought all of my clothes." She looks thoughtful again, and I am getting wary.

"Simon, were you, by any chance, rich?" Oh geez. Not good.

"Uh, no, why would I be? Heh, hehheh...." I say nervously, and she sees right through it.

"You were! Great, than we can us-"

"No." She looks confused.

"Why not? We need to!"

"I don't want to depend on it, plus if my parents know I cashed in to it, they could track me or something, saying I wen-oh never mind. Just no. It's not like we'd be able to use it in America anyhow." 

"We can have it transferred! Please! How would they get to you here anyways? Do you really think that is so important you can't risk it to save all of us?" Slouching in my seat, I pout and look out the window ignoring juicy. I really don't want to. If I ever saw them again, they rub this in my face so deeply it would come out the back of my head.

I can only imagine how much they'd rant about how I would always need them, how I could never do anything on my own and so on. Not just no, hell no. The answer must have been evident on my face, because juicy slammed the steering column in frustration, honking the horn and making chory jump.

"What was that?!" He exclaimed next to me, looking around for the sound.

"It was just the horn of the car, it's used to let people know you're coming." I explain, and he nods, still looking around wide eyed. Awww. So cute. Geez I sound gay. Oh well. Sigh. 

"Simon please. You must let us use it. If we are to get out of here, we have to go by plane! Not to mention none of us have the money for the gas this will take up!" Ugh! Why does she have to be so convincing?! 

 "You know what? Fine. BUT, if I get any grief over this I will buy you a cute puppy, wait till you fall in love with it, then brutally murder right before your very eyes. Got it?" She looked a little freaked, but mostly pleased at my cooperation. Now to a bank I guess.

The millionth time I have resented my wealth, is happening now.


Sweet Torment (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora