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Julia's POV

"NOOO!!" I screamed and ran over to sweet pea he stood up looking completely fine and in shock. "Are you okay where did it hit you" I place my hands on his face looking at the rest of his body. "Julia." Sweet Pea whispered as I looked down at Dom. He was shot. Not sweet pea but Dom. He laid there lifeless on the floor of his home. "You need to go sweet Pea." I started to panic as I pushed him towards the front door. "What no julia I'm not leaving you here!" He screamed as I continued to push him. "The cops are coming. I can here them. You need to go I won't let you go to jail for me." I push d him out the front door and slammed it shut in his face. I looked around the house. It was a mess. I didn't know what to do. I went over to Dom and grabbed the gun that was sitting beside him wiping it clean of Sweet Peas finger prints and placing my finger prints along with doms back on it. Two minutes later cops busted the door open pointing their guns at me. "DROP THE GUN MISS" one of them yelled at me. I placed the gun on the floor and held my hands in the air and started crying. One of the officers walked over to me and placed handcuffs around my wrists.

After he lead me outside he asked me what had happened.
"He was beating me. He's been beating I never reported it. I was to scared. But tonight. Tonight he pulled a gun on me. That's when I ran at him and we fought over the gun. Then the gun went off once. It hit something in the room and then we fought again and it went off hitting him. I never meant to hurt him. I just wanted him to put the gun away." I cried to the officer. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Until everything is figured out we will need to take you down town." I nodded my head as he opened the police cruisers door. I sat inside the car and looked out the window. "Sweet pea" I saw him, fangs and Toni standing there watching everything that was going on. I should have never called sweet pea. I don't want anything to happen to him because of me.

Once we were at the Station I was placed in a holding cell for what seemed forever.
"Hey there." I looked up to see my friends standing in front of me. "Do you know what's happening yet?" Toni asked me I shook my head "no. I have no idea what is happening right now. But hopefully they just let me go." I looked down. "Hey princess. We'll get you out of this." Sweet pea smiled at me. "I'm so sorry" I started to cry again as my friends looked at me "I've been nothing but trouble since I came home. I shouldn't have come here." I shook my head "no. You are having a hard time with everything. None f this was your fault. It was Dom he should have never" Pea was cut off by Sheriffs Keller walking in "okay Julia you're free to go. We have determined that your story is good. From the bruising on your body and the way he was hit by the gun we ruled this an accident. No charges will be brought up on you. But do me a favor Julia." I nodded at his words. "Talk to someone about this. I see to many young women  Spiral down hill after things like this happen." I nodded at him as he opened the jail cell door. "I will. I promise. Thank you for everything." I smiled at him with a weak smile.
"See I told you everything would work out." Sweet pea said through a whole mouth full of Fries. As we sat there at Pops I couldn't help but finally feel content. I had my friends back I had Sweet Pea back. I was finally able to move past Dom and the destruction he had brought into my life. I watched at Sweet Pea laughed at something Fangs had said. I smiled. I missed him. No matter what had happened last night and the months leading to last night I missed him.

Sweet Pea noticed me smiling at him and he gave me a weird look and tilted his head.
"What? Do I have something on my face." I shook my head and reached out for his hand "thank you. I missed you." I looked around at Fangs and Toni "and I've missed you guys. I promise I will be better and do better. I won't be the shit show I've been for the last couple of months." Sweet Pea smiled along with Fangs and Toni.
"We've missed you to Julz. And anything you need we got you." I laughed
"About that... I am gonna need a place to stay.." I smiled and looked up at Sweet Pea
"Of course you can always come back home."
I was going home.

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