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Sweet Pea's POV

"Wanna get out of here?" the girl, Nina, said to me i looked around to see if Julia was still here but she wasn't.

"Yeah but not my place, I got a roommate" I nodded grabbing Nina's Hand.

"Wait Pea!" I heard from behind me, it was Toni.

"Julia's said not to bring her to your place tonight" I was taken back its my trailer i can bring whoever i want to.

"Yeah whatever." I rolled my eyes at Toni and continued out the door

"I thought you said you had roommates?" Nina looked at me as we pulled up to my trailer.

"Yeah, they can deal with it." We walked up to the front door of my trailer and Nina started to make out with me. I turned the door nob still keeping the connection with her lips.

I bit down on her lip making her moan, "Sweet pea" She whispered as  kissed down her neck, we hadn't made it to my room yet, I currently had her pinned against the bathroom door.

"Really?" Nina jumped at the sound of someones voice, I looked up to see Julia standing there with her arms crossed.

"Who the hell are you?" Nina walked over to Julia, I stayed quite.

"Im his roommate, who inst okay with this." Nina scoffed.

Julia's POV

"Who the hell are you?" I asked after the girl scoffed.

"Im Nina, and i see whats going on here, you arent okay with this because you like him, awh poor baby, you want what i have." Nina walked around me tears filling my eyes

"Oh no, I just dont want him to get whatever STD your skank ass has." I fought back tear getting closer to nina's face.

"Someone's a little insecure aren't you? Let me guess.. Daddy issues? Mommy issues? Please inform me so i know what i am dealing with." She poked my chest.

After she said mommy issues I lost it.

before i knew it my fist was connecting with her face. She screamed and grabbed my hair pulling me down. We were tangled on each other throwing push after punch.

Sweet Pea's POV

 I didn't know what to do, so i jumped in and broke up the fight between Julia and Nina.

"You little skank broke my nose." Nina said holding her nose as blood poured out of it.

"You should go" I pointed towards the door

"Yeah you should go." Nina stood next to me and i turned to her

"No YOU should go Nina, you're not going to come into our home and talk to her that way." Nina stood there with her mouth opened wide.

"Sweetie, you should close your mouth before a fly flies in there, oh and don't let the door hit you on the way out" Julia laughed crossing her arms next to me, i chuckled

"Whatever screw you."

And with that Nina stormed out of the trailer slamming the door behind her.

"Julia you wer-" I started to speak

"Save it Sweet Pea.  I cannot believe you. I came back to Riverdale for you! And these last two month you haven't even hinted at wanting to get back together! I've tried to get you to make a move, remember movie night last week when i was 'too scared to sleep alone' after we watched Halloween?!" She threw her hands in the air looking at me

"Yeah and i told you Toni could sleep- Ohhhhhh" i said realizing she wanted me to keep her company in bed.

"Im sorry Julia, I love you but im not ready for a relationship with you yet, i love having you back but you left once before. I cant just open my whole world back up to you and expect you to stay because my world inst as happy as it used to be. Its broken and dark. You cant just come back into my life and expect me to forget about what you did. That shit takes time. Nina, was the first girl I made out with since you left, yeah its shit timing because you're back but Do you not realize that im just trying to cope with all of this?" i spat at all in one breath trying to control my anger.

"I get it that i left Sweet Pea, but where am i gonna go now? Everyone I loved died, grandma, mom and dad! I have no one you're the only thing i have left in my life. SO please tell me where the fuck i will be going? I get you're trying to cope with everything Sweet Pea, but bringing a girl into our home when i specifically told Toni to tell you not to! Come on thats a low blow, you had to know you were going to hurt me a little." She screamed at me


"wow Sweets, didn't know we had to be even to move on with our lives." She whispered looking at me disappointed.

"Julia i didn't mean it lik-"

"Save it Sweets. Im going to Stay at Toni's and Cheryl's tonight."  Julia said

and walked out the door again ..

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