Chapter 8

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OK... so you have my permission to virtually shoot me through the computer.


writers block's a bitch.

also i've been gonig through a lot of shit lately.... so i am trying, sorry to all of you that i have kept waiting :(

BTW... you can message me with complaints if you have any... not in the comments please :)


Chapter 8

Louis' POV

I watched all the children file into the classroom and take their seats, far away from my as possible. They stare at me and whisper to their friends as I sit in the back corner. "Alright boys and girls, today is the first day of school! Is everyone excited?" the nice grade 3 teacher spoke out to us. "Yes!" everyone but me coursed in response.

"Good! Well, today we will start off with getting to know each other! Everyone get into groups of two!" the teacher chirped happily. Oh my god, no. I don't want to talk to them, they all hate me and I hate them too.

Everyone went with their friends, trying not to be stuck with me. There was a boy running around asking everyone but me to be his partner, but everyone but I was already taken. "Justin, Louis doesn't seem to have a partner yet!" the teacher said to the Justin. Justin looked over at me with a glare on his face mixed with disgust. "ugghh... fine." He said in defeat as he slouched over to me sitting at the desk closest to me. I didn't budge, just stared at my lap, fiddling with the hem of my shirt. "Well... I'm here, talk." Justin said obnoxiously. I tried to form a word, but nothing happened, I didn't move.

"What are you stupid or something??" Justin said catching the attention of another group. "What's he doing?" the other group member said.

"Nothing! It's like he's deaf and dumb." Justin said in a teasing voice. Maybe if I just stay quiet and don't react they will stop. That's what the always say to do right? Wrong.

The other group member walked over. They stopped walking and tilted their head. I flashed my eyes up to get a good look but quickly flung them right back down to my lap. It was a girl, curly brown hair and beautiful brown eyes to match. She bent over and poked my cheek, I didn't react. "What's wrong with this kid??" she exclaimed, catching the attention of the whole class. "He's stupid, too stupid to even talk!" Justin and the girl started laughing at their statement and soon the whole class was. This was horrible... the first day and everyone already turned against me! I stood up with tears streaming down my face as their laughs echoed in my mind. I broke down and hid in the corner rocking back and forth, trying to wish it away, but it only got stronger. I looked up and saw Justin looking down at me with a glint of something in his eyes... I couldn't put a pin down on what though. I realized what I was as I felt his foot collide with my side.

(Still Louis' POV)

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