Chapter 3

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hey guys!! sorry this isnt long, it seemed longer typing it :$ i will try to update again tonight to make up for it!!!!!!!!!!! :D ENJOY!



Chapter 3

most people assume that they know me, that they know everything about me. That they can do whatever they want and it won’t affect me the slightest, but it does. Everything affects me. Every little thing that happens affects me in some way… some for the good but mostly for the bad. I haven’t always been blind, so I’m not used to it. It doesn’t help that I moved and now I don’t know what anyone’s faces look like, when I was back home at least I could picture there faces from before I was blind. I guess I can’t say that anymore… “Back home”. Because this is my home now. I am so happy that it is too. It is so much better so many better people… especially harry. He saved me. out of all the people that i met, he help me the most. now that i met him i was smiling, laughing... and singing. I havent sung since grade 4. Harry seems to think that i am a good singer... sure i am. i dont think so. 


1 week passed. Not a lot happened. We found out that fluffy had broken her foot and needed to stay off of it for a while. Me and Harry grew closer every day. He is... Amazing. I have noticed that I am developing a little crush on that boy... I needed that to pass.. And FAST. He is my best mate now. I've been getting bullied a lot lately and hope it won’t be a recap of last year... Harry helps me though, he stands up for me... No one has ever done that for me.


I woke up to a normal day. My whole day was really normal... Then came lunch time. Harry had suggested that they hang out with some of his friends, again I’m not one to really socialize... But I agreed to for Harry.

As harry helped me walk down the hallway to meet up with Harry's friends I heard a lot more whispering then usual... I caught a few words; couple, dating, gay... Wait WHAT?! They thought we were dating?? Why would they think the- oh. Because of our linked arms and probably because apparently we dress 'gay'. But to make sure that people didn't get the wrong Idea I told Harry that I was going to try walking without help. He hesitantly let go of my arm, as I've already almost walked into like, two walls today.

I was doing fine, until I felt something trip me, like a... Foot? I fell flat on my face and all the frustration that had been building up inside of me just kind of flew out with a loud " FUCK!" I could almost hear the shocked expression on Harry's face. But I didn't care. I was so pissed at the bugger who tripped me that I was about to shit bricks. I turn to where I thought the foot came from and yelled, " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" I heard giggles, which soon erupted into laughter. What?? I was finally speaking up and they LAUGH? I felt a hand on my shoulder that I immediately knew was Harry's I started to say" why is it always me-" but he cut me off and dragged me out of the hallway a firm grip on my... Waist?? Wow.. I actually LOVE his touch...wait NO!! I can’t love his touch… damn.

Once we got out of that hallway Harry began to question me, " why is what always you, Lou?"

" the person everyone picks on, everyone hates. The one everyone thinks they can treat like dirt just because I can't see them. Just because I can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't do anything to me, just because I can't see it doesn't mean it's not real. Just because I can't see it.... Doesn't mean that... It doesn't hurt." I just dumped every part if my heart onto the floor. To be swept away like nothing. Because that's all that it is. Nothing.

I felt arms wrap around me and pull me into a strong and protective embrace. I hugged back and I Just couldn't hold it in anymore. I sobbed. Right into Harry's shoulder in the middle of the hallway. I sobbed. Uncontrollably actually. I started to grow weak and put all of my weight into Harry and I's embrace. He started to walk me away and took me into what seemed to be a bathroom. He sat me down on the floor and sat next to me. Putting a protective arm around me.

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