Chapter 15

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Hello My fuzzy monkeys.

Long time no see eh!


Beep. Beep. Beep.

This situation felt all too familiar. Memories flashed through my mind. Filled with hate, fear, and regret. I remembered waking up in a hospital with fear chilling me to my bones and my mum comforting me...


I shot up I the bed u was in searching the room with my eyes and then felt a hand on my arm, and one rubbing my back.

I immediately asked, "Mum?" Before I could even think of what I was saying.

"No boo... It's me." Harry spoke sounding broken hearted.

What happened?... Wait.

Fatal. I'm sorry. Pills. "Let me go". "Lou... No!". mum. alone. Window. Hospital. "Watch it!".

I snapped back into reality and tried to stand up, but felt straps holding my lower body down to where I was.

"Let me out!" I screamed.

"Mr. Tomlinson, i'm sorry that we had to put the restraints on you, but we couldn't risk you hurting yourself or others." He said.

"And just who are you?" I said with anger.

"I am doctor Bagnall, and I will be evaluating your condition." Doctor Bagnall said.

"My condition?" I said.

"Yes. Your condition. I was informed that you have tried to commit suicide? Tell me, what made you try that?" The doctor said as I'm guessing he sat down.

I stayed silent. I am not describing why. I am telling him that if my life is dark, then I want to be in the dark always and not know I am in the dark. I want to be dead. I am a burden and I am useless. I a the reason my mother is dead. I am the reason that Harry and his mum are here and scarred by my behaviour. I am the reason that you are here with me instead of with another patient. I am a waste. I am a waste of space, and I will always be. I am not telling him that.

"Louis? Louis are you okay? boo?" I hear HARRY cut through my thoughts. I blink a few times and tilt my head up to where he is, as let a single tear run down my cheek. Harry wrapped me up in his embrace and I cried. I cried into his chest and I did not want to let go. I will not let go.

"Don't let me go..." I said to him.

"Like I said boo, I never will. " Harry said as he sat on the bed holding into me. I felt the restraints being taken off, I flinched opening my eyes, and then relaxed when I felt Harry move me over and climb into the bed. I snuggled into Harry's chest, breathing in his scent. I started to cry again, and I didn't know where I was going next or doing next...

And I am terrified to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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