Chapter 1

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AU: so idk if someone is actually reading this.. but if u r, THANK YOU! Sorry this is really short... other chapters will be longer!

I live in Doncaster and will be going to the high school not too far from my house. I don't have any friends but, hey, school hasn't even started yet. I will meet some people when I go to school tomorrow. I hope.

Today I am helping my mom unpack as much as I can, we have a crazy amount of boxes all over the place. but she doesn't like to push me too hard. Honestly, it's like I am dying to her, and will shatter with the smallest touch. I'm blind, not fragile or breakable in any way! Oi... I just wish she would treat me the same. Nobody ever treated me the same. All through grade school I never had a single friend. not ever the ones that you spend a few minutes talking to on the playground. None. I don’t know what I ever did wrong to diserve this.

We just moved here over the summer to have a fresh new start... Especially for me. In my old school I got bullied a lot, and it came to the point to where I couldn't handle it anymore, after that night… where I was pushed to my limits. so my mum decided to move out here for my grade 11 year. I'm thankful for that; I don't think I could handle another year of that.

Once my mother and I emptied a few boxes she sent me off to bed so I had a good sleep before my first day tomorrow. First day. That will be interesting. To be honest I am completely terrified of going to school. I think I will try to hide the fact that I am blind... Try not to stand out. But that's easier said than done. It's kind of hard to blend in when you have Fluffy with you at all times. Oh, in case you were wondering, fluffy is my Seeing Eye dog. she is my only friend.

I went up to bed and awaited the next day that I would have to face my fears and go into the new place with lots of new people... Fresh start here I come.


I woke up after hitting my alarm twice and went into the shower. After my shower I got out and hung a towel on my hips. I went into my boxes trying to find clothes… none. what the..? “MUM! WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?” I yelled to my mum

“oh.. um well they sort of got lost on the way here so I went out and bought you new ones.” All of my clothes are gone?? Great. Oh well, at least I got all new clothes.

I sighed. “Okay where are they?” sure in upset about losing all of my clothes but, hey, you have to move on and live in the moment.

My mum picked out me an outfit and I put it on without questioning what I was actually wearing. My mom had good fashion sense so I don’t question it.

I had toast and eggs for breakfast and washed it down with a glass of orange juice. I packed a sandwich and a water bottle for lunch and put it in my bag.

Before I knew it, it was time to leave for school. I grabbed my bag and hooked up fluffy to his harness and waited for my mom to be ready... What was taking her so long??

I called out to my mom, "MOM!! Are you almost ready?? What is taking so long? You don't need makeup, you are only driving me to school."

"ok, ok fine one second." she replied with a slight annoyed attitude.

I heard her footsteps contend down the stair do I slipped on my TOMS and headed for the door... Shit. I forget which way the door is, I still have to get used to this house. Maybe I will just wait for my mom to walk to the door and I will follow where I hear her footsteps. Yeah. That sounds good.

I heard my mom’s footsteps approach me and stop. "Go on" she says, crap. I don't know which way. Oh well might as well try! “oh sorry" I replied and walked the way that I felt was right. I didn't hear her footsteps. Behind me so I think I am going the wrong way. Crap. “Sweetie..?" she sighed” here let me help you." she started leading me in the completely opposite direction I was going in. WOW. Was I off...?

I muttered a quiet "thanks" as we headed out the door and into the car.

As my mom started the car, the realization hit me. I am going back to the hell hole that slid me into a deep depression. I think my mom sensed my tension because she grabbed my hand and assured me everything would be fine. Yeah. Like she would know! She isn't the one going to this shit wagon.

Before I know it, we ate pulling into the school parking lot. “Can you come in with me? I have no Idea where I'm going." I asked her.

“Sure sweetie I will take you into the office where they will get you a helper to walk you around on your first day... And if you need it afterwards. It will probably be a student but we will just have to see." I thank my mom and we get out of the car. I grabbed fluffy and held onto fluffy's strap and made my way to the building.

I have no idea what to expect. I don't know what the office, teachers, students, or my helper will be like but I will pray for the best.

“hello I am here with my son Louis Tomlinson" my mom said the front desk while I stood there awkwardly.

The front desk person paused for awhile and then responded, “Hello! You must be the Tomlinson’s; we are excited to have you in the school this year. We have arranged your helper to have all the same classes as you do you can stick with him all the time. He will always be there to help you." she seemed friendly. Thank god. Now I know at least one person is nice.

My mom thanked her and she led us down a hallway and into a room where I heard an older man and a younger boy, must be around my age, chatting. I could only make out a few words like, helper, and blind. Oh, I guess this is my helper.

“Come in" an older man’s voice boomed through the doorway and I winced at the power of his voice. We stepped in and took a seat.

"Hello Louis how you are liking the school so far?" the man asked, with a more smooth and gently time to his voice.

I spoke for the first time since I got into this building. I muttered a small and weak, “fine"

" good to hear, now this is your helper" he said ad my min turned me to face him. I reached out a hand for him to shake and muttered a low " hi nice to meet you, I'm Louis, and you?"

He reached out and grabbed my hand... Wow... I love his touch... Dammit Lou no. You can't be attracted to your helper. NO.

The voice being used was one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard and all it said was,” Harry, Harry styles."

AU: so what do ya think??? comment plz it helps me!!!!!!!! THANK YOU LUV YA :D

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