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Welcome back babesssss

Let the story began am I right?!?
Right so let's get this SHApopping

Everyone is practically the same age, Mimi and Marc Tay and Nani are all a year or so older. They all around 22 and 23, I'm not gonna lie I'm not dedicated to remembering shit like that cause a bitch is in school and she is struggling okay Math is kicking my ass... Anyway enough about me back to what I was saying.

Jass now lives at home with her mom and this book your really gonna get to see her side of things. Kihroa is still running his dad's company... Now look don't ask what they do cause a bitch ain't thought of that yet. But antttyways Soo Kihroa runs the company getting his coin or whatever.

James and Nani... One year going strong they really aren't that relevant but I needed the characters to have friends so...
Oh Liv is back okurrrrrr she is making a comeback with Will. They gonna be sha popping or whatever. Miche'le will be showing up again since her and Marc have a baby together, maybe I might even make them reconnect ion know yet.

Marc, ohh brother Marc, he kicking or whatever. Soo Marc got his life together I guess you can say his and Mich baby is about to be one. He owns a hookah bar so he be making his little coins or whatever.


"So how'd that go" I asked Jass as she got in my car

"It went" she said

"Went how tho... You wanna elaborate on anything" I asked

"Nope... Can we just go" she said

"I mean we can or you can talk" I said taking my key out the ignition

"Why do I need to tell you anything man, that's why I come here right" she said


"Ki.." she mimicked me "you know why I'm here and you know I don't wanna be here... This bullshxt is your fault anyway" I dropped my head to what she said

"Sorry that wasn't fair" she said

I popped my head back up, "it's cool... It's whatever" I said taking the key to the ignition

"That's on me you good" I said pulling off


"Keilani... Stop little girl let me do my hair" I sat sitting on the bed in front of room
Keilani is 6months and super crazy. She kept reaching for the brush and comb I was using...

Phone Call

Me: hello

Kihroa: what's going on sis

Me: nothing Ki... You call me like 40 times every day I'm fine. Thank you but chill

Kihroa: well damn... I just wanted to say I'm getting on my plane and I'll be there soon

Me: okay Ki... Love you bye bye

Ever since I moved to Miami Ki has been blowing me up non stop, then I had Keilani and he goes even harder.

I picked her up and went down the hall to kitchen. I pulled out the steak and started seasoning it. "Hey hey" I said to Noah as he walked out the room.

He grabbed keilani and sat at the table, he leaned over for a kids from me "get out my kitchen while I'm cooking dude, you know that's the rule" I said going into the fridge

"Yeah yeah... So whatchu making" he said putting K back down

"Umm steak... Pan fried with rice and mashed potatoes" I said looking through the cabinet for the rice

"Kiara..." He said I'm sure he said something else but I wasn't listening


"Kiara... Babygirl" he said again

"Okay... You're not tryna leave so what do you want" I asked

"I was just gonna say I love you" he said coming up behind me

"Okay... Love you too but I really need to get this done love soo bye" I said starting on the rice

I have an open concept apartment so I mean there isn't any walls dividing the living room and kitchen to dining room, but when I cook I go counter top to counter top and use every bit of space.

"I'd make a cake if you let me in the kitchen" he said

"No... I like having a house... I don't need you to burn it down" I responded

"Alright bruh- how was that lil dance class" he asked

I had just gotten into the swing of things, being comfortable enough to leave K with other people. I just started my job as a dance teacher to a more younger crowd.

"Umm I'm not your bruh and it was fine" I said focusing on where I put the peppers and onions

"Aye come watch these highlights with me" he said

I turned and gave a sharp look "beautiful can you come here and watch this with me" he said correcting himself.

"I'd love to if you'd give me a hot second" I said putting the potatoes in the pot

I walked over to K and out her in the play pen by the couch, then I sat in Noah's crossed lap. "What am I watching" I asked

"Our highlights... Last week's game"he said

"Okay... As long as you can explain everything to me I'm good" I said leaning back


We ate dinner and then I fed and washed K. After she went down for bed it was just me and Noah...

"Aye... You every cook for Keilani dad" he asked

Noah always had this weird little fascination with me and K dad's relationship. He would ask me random questions every now and again.

"Umm why" I questioned

"Ion know... Just asking " he answered

"Okay.. uhh you know who you should be worried about instead of him" I asked

"Yeah... Kionne" he said

"Who the hell is that- you mean Kihroa" I said

"Yeah... Sorry" he said pulling out his phone

"Yeah... You need to work on that- he'll be here tomorrow ya know" I said

"Yeah I am fully aware Kiara.... Aye you wanna do me a favor" he asked

"What" I asked

"I have this sharp pain in my shoulder you think you can give me a little massage" he said taking his shirt off

"Don't start something, knowing you don't live here Noah" I said referring to the simple fact that he chooses to live in his own house and he kinda just comes over

"Come here Kiara" he said to me pulling at my leg

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