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Name: Umeda Ryu

First name: Ryu

Family Name: Umeda

Meanings: Ryu means 'Dragon' in Japanese while Umeda means 'North' so Umeda Ryu is 'North Dragon'.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: ?

Job: CCG Investigator

Species: ?

Info: Ryu has a job at CCG, as a rank 1, under the orders of Juuzou Suzuya, but she goes off and does the job alone, Juuzou tries to get her to join in, but she doesn't. Ryu has pale skin most of the time, with long dark blue hair, that goes to her mid-back, which, most of the time is in a ponytail or braid, her eyes are a dark hazel/brown colour. Ryu normally wears a black cloak, with a hood on. Ghouls call her Shadow, she normally hides in the shadow whenever attacking a ghoul. (The cloak is normally a trenchcoat like their normal clothing but black. Like Kaneki when his hair turns back to--- OOPS no spoilers! I mean unless you have watched it then--- black and he goes back into an emo stage.)

Quinque: Koukaku (Yukimura- (A/n I know, Arima and Sasaki had this...))

Backstory: Ryu lived with her adopted family, as she never knew her parents or other family members. Her adopted family knew what Ryu was really, but kept her, they knew who her real family were. Her adopted family treated her badly, made her do the housework and more until the CCG came and took her from them. Ryu then found out she was living with ghouls. This was when she was 15, old enough to become a CCG member. She finds Juuzou her older brother in some way.

D.o.B: July 15, 18 BSBI (BSBI- Before Steel Beam Incident, she's 18 at the start, but slowly starts to get older.)

'Family' members: These are the people she sees as a family

Juuzou Suzuya: Brother

Hanbee Abara: Brother

Miyuki Mikage: Brother

Mizurou Tamaki: Brother

Kishou Arima: ???

Kaneki: ???

Ryu is mostly emotionless, unless with one of those five people alone, and with a friend she has known for a long time, and by a long time I mean about 1-2 years.

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