Chapter Three: Playing God

Start from the beginning

Brinley must have drifted off slightly because Monty's voice startled her back into consciousness. 'That's it!'

'What are you talking about?' Clarke sounded impatient.

'Think about it. Alpha station survived for 97 years in space, through elevated radiation levels and extreme temperature fluctuations, sound familiar? All we have to do is patch up the ship. We're standing in our viable solution.'

Brinley stood up. 'Have I ever told you how much I love you?' Brinley yawned as she approached Monty, slinging her arm around his waist in a side hug.

Monty grinned at her, hugging her back gently for a second.

Brinley blinked, squinting as the morning light hit her eyes when she exited the sleeping area the next morning.

She rubbed at her eyes tiredly, covering her mouth as she yawned.

'Alright there, sweetheart?'

Brinley looked at Bellamy, who had stopped beside her, rubbing her eyes as she was forced to look towards the sunlight in order to see his face.

'Fine.' Brinley yawned again.

'Did you even sleep?' Bellamy asked sceptically.

'Did you?' Brinley countered, smirking in triumph when Bellamy didn't answer.

'Yeah, it's hard to sleep knowing we'll all be dead in six months.' Brinley commented as the two began walking.

'We won't be.' Bellamy's tone was firm. 'Not if we find what we're looking for at farm station today.'

Brinley sighed, biting back another sarcastic remark. 'Did you talk to Miller and Bryan?'

'Yeah. They agreed to come with us.'

'I bet Miller was thrilled.' Brinley snorted. 'Where is everyone?'

'Waiting for us.' Bellamy shrugged. 'I said I'd come find you.'

'I'm surprised you didn't leave without me.' Brinley quirked an eyebrow in genuine surprise.

Bellamy shook his head, the ghost of a smile lighting his features. 'You'd have followed us anyway.'

'Hell yeah I would have. There's no way I'm sitting around here doing nothing, I'd go insane.'

'Bit late to worry about that, isn't it?' Bellamy's voice took on a teasing edge.

'Asshole!' Brinley gave Bellamy a hard shove as they reached the garage, trying to hide her smile as she waved to Clarke and Raven before climbing into the truck.

'You look awfully happy.' Miller commented with a tight expression, eyes narrowing.

'How can I not be happy when I'm in your ever so cheerful presence, Nathan?' Brinley smiled sweetly at him.

Miller rolled his eyes, but his expression softened.

'We get the machine and we get out of here. I don't want to stay any longer than we have to.'

They'd reached the area Farm station was in, but from where they were – they'd have to go on foot.

Brinley stared at the snowy white terrain beneath them, a feeling of dread settling in her stomach.

'I don't like this.' She whimpered to Bellamy, who was closest to her. 'This doesn't feel right.'

Bellamy turned his gaze towards her, his expression tight. He gave her a small nod of agreement.

Brinley grit her teeth, her eyes catching movement to her side. She watched as Harper and Monty reached for each other, their eyes locked on farm station.

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