8 - Into The Unknown

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I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't ship Bellarke. In the books they made sense together because their characters are written so differently (100% prefer tv Bellamy btw), but in the show... I find it a lot harder to swallow. Idk, we all know it's coming though :')


Brinley followed her Father back to Camp Jaha, stating that she needed some time to heal after the ordeal at the grounder camp. Clarke and Octavia had agreed immediately but Raven and surprisingly Lexa, had watched her sceptically, but made no move to stop her leaving.

The walk back was quiet, her and her father didn't speak much, but the silence wasn't tense and uncomfortable like it had been in the past but rather uncertain – Neither Kane knew what to say to each other so they settled for companionable silence.

As they reached the gates, their waiting people immediately swarmed the two. Brinley caught her father's gaze, smirking at him slightly.

'Good luck.'

Brinley pushed her way through, her eyes searching for the one friend she'd left behind.

'You're not dead then. That's good.'

Brinley turned around, rolling her eyes at her best friend, though she was happy to see him. 'Not dead is the way I'd like to stay, if that's alright with you.'

'I guess I'll have to deal with it.' Murphy smirked, humour lighting his expression. 'Where's lover boy?'

Brinley didn't meet his eyes. 'He's with Lincoln.'

'And here I was thinking Bellamy had a type.'

Brinley stared at him; her jaw dropping before she slapped his arm, though a smile broke out on her face. 'Murphy you jerk!'

'What? I'm just saying.' Murphy snickered at her reaction.

'Not like that you dick!' Brinley laughed. 'He's gone to Mount Weather.' The words were sobering, cutting her laughter off short.

'What?' Murphy frowned.

'I know.' Brinley sighed. 'He wouldn't let me go with him.'

'And you're okay with that?' Brinley didn't look at him and Murphy sighed. 'Of course you're not, what are you planning Brin?'

'I've been in that mountain, if I can get in, I can get out.'

'Don't be stupid-'

'I'm not.' Brinley cut Murphy off firmly 'I'm being realistic. I have an advantage over Bellamy and Lincoln. I can do this, I know I can.'

'I don't doubt that you can, but it's risky. They could kill you-'

' – They could kill me whether I go into that mountain or not. I won't just sit here and do nothing and –' Brinley moved closer to Murphy 'I don't trust Lexa.'

'Does anyone?' Murphy snickered.

'Clarke does.' Brinley's mouth turned down, distrust evident in her eyes. 'It'll get us in trouble.'

'Probably.' Murphy shrugged. 'But don't tell princess that or she'll have you locked up. Can't have that Brinley Kane fire turning her plans to ash.' Murphy's eyes gleamed with humour.

Brinley shoved him, grinning lightly as he stumbled slightly before catching his footing. 'Shut up Murphy.'


Brinley stood in the tension filled room as her father made yet another peach making speech that, six months ago, Brinley was sure he wouldn't have made without being held at gun point.

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