The fallen

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Lilly. That wretched girl. She whispered to the other guys in the room. You could here struggle and yelping. Then silence. I was carried out the door and down the stairs. We stopped and I heard talking back and forth. I couldn't move no matter how hard I tried. I screamed for help but they shoved a rag in my mouth to silence me. The person dropped me on the floor for a second. I felt a hand sneak its way into mine. I don't know who it was but I hope they're okay.

The man picked me up again and slung me over his shoulder. I could start to feel my arms and legs again. I kicked and thrashed around until I heard a door open and felt a steady breeze blow.

"Now! and him too!" someone said. Next thing I knew I felt falling. I screamed on the top of my lungs and felt impact into water. Memories flooded me just like the water surrounding me. I remember seeing a furious Nash and him fighting with Hayes and Hayes pushing me over board on a ship. I remember nights in a hospital with Hayes by my side even though I couldn't remember him. I remember a party and not knowing anyone. I remember it all.

I was in shock from the freezing water and bobbed myself to the surface. I slipped off the blindfold and saw I was In the pool at the hotel. People swarmed outside and jumped in to help me. It was Cam and Taylor. They pulled me out and hugged me.

"Are you okay?!" they screamed wrapping their arms around me. I broke free and sat up alarmed.

"Where is the person?!" I asked looking in the pool to see someone floating. Nash humped in and grabbed him. He pulled him out and flipped him over...

It was Brent.

His face was blue and still. I couldn't see his chest rising nor falling. Nash gave him CPR but I couldn't tell if it worked. No. No he can't be. Please no. I ran towards him only to be swept up by Cam and carried away.

"NO! PLEASE CAM PLEASE!" I begged crying. I squirmed and punched and kicked my way out but it was no use. I saw Carter grab his phone and dial 911. He knew it was too late though. His face said it all.

Cam practically dragged me back to the room. He set me on the floor and closed the door.

"Cam please let me go." I sobbed onto the floor. I looked up to see him crying as well.

"Maddy. I'm so sorry." He collapsed into the floor and pulled me into his arms.

"The last thing I said to him was 'I'm scared'. they took him away from me. They took my Brent away. I loved him." I cried harder. Cam lifted my head to see pure horror wiped across his face. Just then Hayes burst through the door.

"Maddy." Was all he said. Then he scooped me up and took me to the couch. He hugged me tight and cried into my shoulder.

"He's gone." He told me.

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