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I woke up to my stupid alarm blaring. I looked over at the clock to see it say 5:30 am. Ugh. I sat up realizing today was MAGcon! I was no longer glum. I ran to my closet and grabbed my special outfit I chose for today. I slipped into my faded Hollister jeans and put a galaxy printed bandeau on. I covered it with a sheer white crop top and put on my galaxy vans. I grabbed a MAGcon sweatshirt just incase it got chilly in there. I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a high pony and headed downstairs.

Once down there I grabbed some Miny Wheats from the pantry and poured it in a bowl. I looked over to see Nash asleep on the couch. I giggled to myself and grabbed the carton of milk from the fridge. I sneaked my way over to Nash and quickly dumped the cereal and milk on him. He sat upright and screamed. He glared at me and chased me around the house. Once he finally caught me he pinned me down to the floor and breathed in my face.

"You're lucky I love you like a sister ma'am." He laughed and let me go. He picked some wheats off his head and are it. He shrugged his shoulders and headed upstairs probably for a shower.


Everyone was ready around 6:45 so we started heading out. We made it to the convention center where Magcon was being held at and sneaked our way through the back. It was my first time here. And what a great way to spend your first time actually being a part of it. We all went backstage and messed around until we heard the call of the fans. It was a high pitched squealing coming from behind the curtains. We peeked and saw hundreds if girls run in holding flashing signs. I looked over to see the guys fascinated. Hayes walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You excited?" he asked pecking my lips.

"I don't know. What if the fans don't like me?" I asked with a concerned look.

"Psh. If I love you, then the fans will adore you. If they hate you. Well, then they aren't true fans." I smiled and kissed him. Just then Bart came through the speakers. It was time to introduce everyone.

"Here's the Nash Grier!" Nash ran through touching hands of many fans.

Everyone was pretty much called except me and Hayes.

"Now, the MAGcon couple of the year! Maddy Johnson and Hayes Grier!" I huge crowd erupted in screaming. Me and Hayes skipped through with our hands interlocked. We made it to the stage and took a seat in some chairs.

We were ready for a long day.


All the guys were in their booths meeting and taking pictures with the fans. I was walking around seeing how much fun the guys were having. I walked over to Hayes booth and he motioned me over. He slipped his arm around my waist and yelled.

"Who wants pictures with me and Maddy!?" dozens of girls raised their hands.

One little tiny girl who looked to be ten ran up to me and hugged me.

"I want to be like you. You're so pretty and your love to Hayes is like a fairy tale." I pulled her in and hugged her back. That was so sweet. I thanked her and she ran off to her mom in the crowd.

The next person that came shocked me.


Lilly was my enemy from 2 years ago. When I still lived in California she broke my phone and made sure to ruin my life at school. Once I moved I thought that was the end of her reign. Apparently not.

She stalked her way over to me and Hayes and shoved me out of the picture so it was just her and Hayes. She turned him so he was facing her and pressed her fake lips on his. He shoved her away forcefully.

"Get your fake lips off my boyfriend." I calmly told her.

She turned to me and shoved me again.

"Oh what are you going to do about it? cry and run away? like always."

"That was two years ago Lilly. A lot has changed about me."

"Not really. You're dating this wimp of a guy. Just like Jake." She smiled at Jakes name. She stole him from me those 2 years ago. I had enough with her.

I grabbed her and punched her face. She tried swinging back but I ducked and kneed her in the stomach. She bent down but came back up kneeing me in the face. She took a swing into the side of my head and I was down. I drop kicked her and she fell down too.

Security broke us up and dragged Lilly away. Hayes ran up to me and helped me to my feet.

"What the hell Maddy?!" he held my face where she kneed me. It hurt pretty badly.

"The bitch deserved it." I told him. He chuckled and helped me to a seat. Bart came over and handed me a nice pack for my face. He leaned in and whispered into my good ear,

"I thought the bitch deserved it too." I laughed and thanked him for the ice pack.


We were all sitting down at in and out eating when I got a text. I looked down to see it from Hayes.

H- wana go somewhere better?

M- what can top off in and out?

H- you'll see. ;)

"Hey Jack? can I go back home. My head hurts really bad. I'll take the limo." He nodded his head and gave me a smile.

"Jack, do you want me to go with her to make sure she's okay?" hayes asked also.

"That'll be great thanks Hayes." Hayes got up and followed me to the limo that was parked outside. Hayes whispered into the drivers ear. A huge smile crept on his face.


The drive to the mystery place took 45 minutes. I fell asleep on Hayes shoulder until he shook me awake. I looked out the window to see a huge ship. One that looked strangely familiar.

"What city are we in?" I asked Hayes to be sure.

"Long beach." He said pulling me out of the car.

"That's the queen mary isn't it?" I asked excitement overflowing me.

"Yep! while you were asleep I grabbed some clothes for tonight. We're staying here." I hopped up and down running to the entrance of the ship. Hayes went to the front desk and got us a room for the night. We eventually found it and walked in. It was beautiful. It had a living room and connecting bedroom and a bathroom to die for. We set out stuff down and Hayes dragged me out.

We went to a fancy dinner overlooking the bay. It was amazing. The sun was just setting and the city was beautiful the way the lights reflected the water.

We went back to the room around dark and got ready for bed. Today was an exhausting day. I laid down and Hayes plopped right next to me.

"This is amazing." I told him.

"Well, I love you."

"I know that dummy." I playfully kissed his nose.

He grabbed my body and pulled me closer. He kissed me and rested his hands along my waist. I cuddled into his warm body and we both fell asleep instantly.

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