Heresss phsyco!!!

393 1 0

{2 months later}

Maddy's POV

"Please Jack!? nothing bad will happen this time!" I plead to my older brother. After what happened at the last magcon, the older guys won't let me go now.

"Come on guys. Last MAGcon Maddy went to it was a total buzz kill. Maybe this one won't turn out so bad." Brent said putting his arms around me giving Nash, Taylor, Jack J and Cam an adorable puppy dog face.

"Fine guys. Maddy can go. But she's under strict rules there. Well leave some fun for her though." Taylor said smiling. I ran up to them and have them huge hugs.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I yelled running away to go pack for the next days adventure.

I immediately ran to Hayes room. He was procrastinating for the past few days on packing so right now he was in his zone. I barged into his room and sat in his neatly folded clothes.

"Maddy! it took me like a half an hour to do that!" he yelled frustrated. He turned back to his closet to finish grabbing his clothes. I sneaked behind him and covered his eyes.

"Guess who's going to MAGcon?" I asked. He turned towards me with a beaming smile.

"They said yes?!" he asked excitedly jumping up and down. I planted a kiss on his lips.

"Who's ready for New York?" I asked.


The last time I went on a plane was flying here with all the boys about a year ago. I was pretty afraid of them. Taylor and Cam ushered us into the airport.

"Okay, Maddy. You can only use the bathroom once, we will get food for you, you need to stay with either me, the Jacks, Matt, Shawn, Me or Cam the entire time." Taylor said in a serious tone.

"She can't stay with me or Hayes!?" Brent said frustrated. He was 16...but acted like a 6 year old. I can see why they didn't choose him.

We all checked in and sat at out terminal to wait. We had an hour and a half to spare so we did some random vines and pictures. Hayes jumped on Nash's back and they ran around screaming "WATERMELON". Eventually security caught them and they were escorted away to some secret lair. Cam, Taylor, Shawn, the Jacks and Mahogany went to go get some snacks and lunch. I sat with Matt while Brent went to use the restroom.

"I have to go to." I said standing up. I was only then pushed back down by Matt.

"Then I go with you." He said sternly.

"I think I can use the bathroom myself Matthew. I'm not going to injure myself on the way there." He chuckled and loosened up.

"Fine. You have 10 minutes. Bathrooms are pretty far." He said pointing to the restraunts that were far away.

I nodded and walked away. I entered the bathroom and did my business. I unlocked the stall and went to go wash my hands when a huge force crashed into me. I looked up from the floor to see a blonde wave of hair.

"Lilly?" I ask starting to get up. But I was back on the floor when I took a blow to the side of the head.

"Leave Hayes alone." She snarled.

"Hayes loves me. You can't take him away from me." I snarled back. She kneed me in the stomach.

"Watch your back Maddy. I will break you and Hayes apart till it's the last thing I do." She kicked me one more time and walked to the door.

"Oh, and if you tell anyone what happened you'll regret it." She smiled and left. I laid there on the floor and bawled my eyes out. I heard my phone go off in my pocket.

Anon- I'm everywhere...

I sat there and cried harder.

Brent's POV (Oo someone new)

I walked out of the bathroom when I saw someone familiar pass by me from the women's restroom. Lilly? The psychotic girl who gave Maddy a black eye? She had a smirk on her face and started texting someone on her phone.

I walked out till I heard crying from the women's restroom. I shook it off until I realized who it was.


I ran in there and saw her on the floor crying hysterically. I cradled her in my arms.

"What happened?" I asked wiping her tears away.

"L- illy." she said in between sobs. I held her to my chest and rocked her back and forth.

"We need to tell Taylor and the guys." I said standing up holding her hands.

"NO! please Brent. We can't tell anyone. Please?" she begged me. She looked terrified. I sighed and nodded my head. She went to the mirror and fixed herself up. She turned to me and we walked back to the terminal.

Maddy's POV

We got back to all the guys staring at me and Brent.

"15 minutes Maddy. I told you ten!" he yelled.

"It's 5 minutes late calm down Matt." Brent said sitting down.

"What happened Maddy? are you okay?" hayes said. He walked up to me and looked into my eyes.

"Nothing. Just tired and hungry I think. I'm fine." I managed a fake smile. He smiled back and we all dug into the food Taylor and the other guys brought back. Once we were done it was about time to get on the plane. I took the window seat and had Brent sit next to me. Hayes had to sit with Nash and Cam in the middle row.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Brent asked me holding my hand.

"Positive." I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.


"Maddy were here." I heard Brent say shaking me awake. I sat up groggily and grabbed my carry on case. I turned on my phone to see Twitter notifications and Instagram notifications. I went into my messages and saw

[one new message]

Anon- Johnson girl, You should watch what you say. Or I'll have to end Brent one of these days 😈

The Anon added a picture. It was Brent walking next to Taylor. I looked up and looked around. Lilly has some alliances I guess. I quickly deleted the message right when Hayes walked up.

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