The man upstairs

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It was hard leaving my life behind. But, I get to spend my new life with my big brother. Since he was 18, legally an adult he was able to take custody of me. We all got a house back in LA. I finally felt at home. We drove up to a pimp daddy mansion up in Beverly Hills.

"I feel like a princess." I said passing the iron gates into a beautiful property.

"Well, you are to me." hayes said nudging my arm. I loved Hayes. But here's the funny thing. We aren't a couple. He never officially asked me out. We're just really really close friends. Oh, well.

I got to choose my room. Obviously I chose the room with a view of LA and that had a balcony. I set my suitcases in my new room. It was amazing. It was already furnished so that was a bonus. My bed was a king. There were beautiful bookshelves on both sides and a desk over in the corner. There was a couch in front of the bed with a audomen that faced a beautiful dresser. And to top it off a crystal chandelier. Okay now I felt like a princess. I walked into the bathroom and my jaw dropped.

Double vanity sinks with a glass shower with a ceiling shower head. A bathtub with jets and an odd door positioned next to the tub. I opened it to find a gigantic closet.

I looked around admiring it, when I spotted a hidden door behind some shelves. I shimmied my way through and went through it. It was a creepy hallway. But there was light at the end. I went down there and found a little crawl space. I crawled through to a tiny door. What the heck was with this house? why so many fricken doors? butt I opened it up to find myself under a bed I think. Well, I crawled out from under the bed and saw one of the guys rooms.

"Awesome!" I accidentally yelled. Just then Hayes popped from out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, it's my room. Not too awesome compared to yours." he smirked at the end.

"No! I found a secret passage way here!" I grabbed his hand and led him under the bed. I showed him through the door and into the hallway.

"Oo nice and dark." He teased. He grabbed my waist and pushed me to the wall. He kissed my neck and then my lips. He slid his hand under my shirt. I shoved him away.

"Hayes what is with you?!" I slid against the wall up get away from him. I bumped into some switches which turned on the lights. It wasn't hayes that was kissing me.

I backed away suddenly to get away from this deranged man. I saw hayes slumped against the wall.

"Just some tranquilizer. He'll be fine." The man reassured me. I ran through the door into my room and sprinted downstairs.

"Taylor! there's a psychotic man upstairs and knocked out hayes call 911 now!" I cried hysterically. Taylor rushed to his phone and called the police. I ran to Nash's arms and cried. I was so scared. He kissed my head and told the guys to get outside now. We all followed and waited. I hope Hayes was alright.

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