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    I showered, dressed in light pink leather pants, and a sheer white blouse, I curled my hair it fluffed out around my head. I applied light makeup making myself look as young as possible it took me a while to cover my tattoos and the bite mark on my neck after spritzing on some cologne I headed to the Boss's office everyone was gathered there as I entered RM, Tae and Hoseok  erupted into wolf whistles and howls I smirked, I knew I looked damn good.

             Jungkook sat at the head of the table he looked at me as I took my seat his eyes widened as he took in my appearance I waited for him to speak he stared at me unblinking finally I spoke " dude I know I look good but damn blink" he turned away a blush coloring his cheeks, that was so cute I wanted to pinch his cheeks.

              Jungkook cleared his throat everyone's attention turned to him " everyone will take separate cars except Tae and Hoseok since they are a "couple" RM will leave first fifteen minutes later our happy couple will leave" Tae rolled his eyes" fifteen minutes later I will leave, RM and I will play the role of stressed-out office workers Jin will call as our boss yelling at us driving us to drink more, the bartender is in our pocket so he will pour none acholic drinks for us but none will be the wiser, the happy couple will celebrate their first year anniversary they will be so wrapped in each other to even notice what is going on around them, after we are all in position Jimin will arrive" he turned " eyes can be on you from the time you arrive so you need to put on a good show " I nodded " I walk in look in awe at how fancy the hotel is I act nervous so I go to the bar and order a drink I'll look like I'm having second thought about going to his hotel room I chug my drink slam it down and head to the elevator once in the room I will be patted down by his security they will find no weapons we'll make small talk for a bit then I'll come on to him hard we'll move to the bedroom I have fifteen minutes to keep him occupied then the guards will leave I have an ear piece so you can hear me but he will be too close so I won't be able to hear you guys after he is disposed of I say the code word you guys come in and sweep" I turn to Jungkook " did I miss anything? he shook his head " no, we all need to stick to the plan, questions?" everyone shook their heads as they filed I couldn't help noticing how hot they looked in their suits.

           I watched RM leave, I sat in the living room with Jungkook, Tae and Hoseok Jungkook sat next to me" I have a gut feeling if anything feels off codeword immediately " our codeword was Eclipse I was to use it if an emergency popped up " Jugkook you worry too much if this was truly that dangerous the Boss would never have agreed to send me" he nodded running his fingers through his hair nervously " I realize that but I have this feeling........ speaking of the Boss I'm surprised he isn't with us" I grinned fondly, thinking of the man sleeping soundly " he's passed out I asked Jin to wake him up for his meeting I know he will be pissed that I didn't wake him before I left but he needed to rest" Tae and Hoseok stood up Tae walked over me " be careful" he hugged me before turning away Hoseok kissed my cheek before saying " seriously be careful, I don't trust him one bit" I watched them leave time seemed to fly by soon it was time for Jugkook to leave he turned" be careful" I nodded he walked to the door before turning and saying  " if someone hurts you I will not stop till they are found and destroyed" with that as his parting remark he left what was with him he was confusing me, why did he care so much? he acted as if he hated me but the Boss said he worried about me constantly, then there was the scene in the kitchen he had freaked at when I fell, and then with those parting words they were more like something you would say to a lover not someone you work with.

          I went to the kitchen to tell Jin I was leaving he gave me a hug " I feel like my son is going off to war, please be careful." I nodded hugging him back I headed to the door but his voice stopped me" are you sure you don't want to wake the Boss if something happens......"  I sighed crossing my arms over my chest " you sound like Jungkook, nothing will happen let him sleep he is exhausted" I left and headed out to my car.

Codename: Kitten: A Mafia Tale/ Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now