Him Pt. 2

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                  The dining room was plain, it wasn't huge the walls were off white, the tile on the floor a pale tan, a large pine table sat in the room's middle draped with a pristine white tablecloth. Jin had already sat the table, so I went to see if Jin needed help with anything I turned to the Boss     " I will see if Jin needs any help" 

                  He had been very playful, whispering dirty things in my ear while we were walking to the dining room, he had pulled back once we arrived I turned he smacked my ass hard making me jump turning I shot him a glare he grinned as he walked over and took his seat at the head of the table.

     I stepped into the pristine white kitchen the stainless steel appliances sparkled Jin took hours every day polishing it to perfection even the black and white tile glistened I absently rubbed my right butt cheek I'm sure he had left a palm print that ass hole but I couldn't keep a smile from spreading across my face, suddenly I was hit from behind by something hard, I went flying forward landing hard on the tile.

     I braced myself so I didn't land on my face my elbows and shoulders took most of the impact someone was grabbing me up into strong arms "Jin, Jin, he's hurt. I didn't even see him" Jin sighed at the panic in Jungkook's voice he wiped his hand on his frilly pink apron and looked at me, I squirmed-making him lose his grip on me I landed on my ass, I hissed as I landed on my already stinging butt cheek, Jin walked over " anything broke?" I shook my head " no just sore" Junkook butted in " he's tiny he could have broken ribs or internal injuries....." Jin sighed " Jimin knows his body better than anyone if he says he's ok then he's ok so help him up and help me carry the dishes to the table"  I was starring up at Junkook, he looked at me with concern in his eyes " I'm sorry I was so excited about the food I bulldozed in here and didn't even see you, are you sure you're ok?" I nodded "  yeah I'm fine "

                           He extended his hand I grabbed it he pulled hard lunching me into the air I slammed into his solid chest, I grabbed onto the collar of his shirt as his arms wrapped around my waist " fuck Jimin, can you contain yourself for five minutes?" I turned my head to the door Tae stood there a look of shock on his face. I tapped Jungkook's shoulder he sat me on my feet, I turned to Tae "this is not what it looks like" I deep voice sounded from behind Tae " I hope not" Tae stepped to the side leaving me a clear view of the Boss standing in the doorway. I really wished at the moment a hole would open in the floor and swallow me up but I'm not that lucky, his face was carefully blank but I could tell from his body language he was angry.

       Jin cleared his throat "Sir, Jimin is telling the truth I have been here the entire time" he quickly explained what happened " so you see it looked bad but was not and honestly I will not stand here and let them play grab ass in my kitchen that's disgusting I cook in here" he merely sighed and walked back into the dining room I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, why was he still mad? Jin turned " start grabbing dishes" I nodded

                     A few minutes later we all sat around the table the Boss sat at the head of the table I to his right Jin to his left Jungkook next to me Hoseok next to him Tae was next to Jin and Rm next to Tae, Jungkook and I had started a quiet conversation about the mission, I kept glancing at the Boss he was staring down at his plate poking at his food with a fork but not eating any of it. I squeezed his thigh under the table and whispered " you look exhausted how about a massage? then you can rest for a while" he perked up at my words flashing a smile" that sounds heavenly"  to my relief he ate.

                          I turned to Jungkook continuing our conversation, we were abruptly interrupted by Hoseok " is it just me or is anyone else creeped out how chummy they have became"  he gestured towards Jungkook and me, RM laughed " dude no joke it is weird I mean  they are usually at each other's throats, but look at them they have been whispering in each other's ear for the past twenty minutes" I shot a glare at RM before reaching around Jungkook to smack Hoseok on the shoulder, he winced giving me a pouty face "I am curious what you two have been whispering about, care to share?" I turned to the Boss as he spoke his face was devoid of any emotion I hated when he was like this, I loved when he laughed and smiled.

Codename: Kitten: A Mafia Tale/ Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now