Day 24 Making up (Blue x Green x Vio x Red)

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Red pov.

Walking in I could feel the tense air. Something's deeply wrong. There's been a lot of arguments in this house lately. I've been stopping as many as I can but I know there's an underlying issue here. The Dam holding everything back must of finally broke while I was out.

Vio and Blue were busy arguing like children. Green looked like he was either go to join in or run off to hide. Normally it's either Green or Shadow butting heads with Blue. Vio avoids most squabbles by just not doing anything in Blue's way. Where is Shadow anyway? 

"You're the one who made him run off in the first place!" Vio accuses his voice rising. Well that partly answers my question.

"Both of you quiet! What of Din's fury is going on here?!" I've learned the hard way the only way to get Blue's attention in a fight is to as violently as I can, demand for it. All six of their eyes land on me. Both Green and Blue try to speak at once, while Vio just huffs crossing his arms and looking the other way. All I get is that it's closely related to Shadow.

"Enough. One at a time. What in Farore's Realm is this all about?" I place  down my bag going into the Living room from the kitchen. 

"It's about Mom's locket." Vio puts bluntly glaring angrily at the others. That explains it. While it may hold Shadow's life, it is Green's way of remembering our dead mother. Blue knows how much it means to him and let's that blind him. And Vio has never been good in these situations either.

"It should be Shadow's. Green I'm sorry but remembering someone we lost isn't as important as being in control of your own life. We'll find you something else. And while Shadow does trust you with his life. This isn't about that. Because to Shadow this is about us trusting him, and being able to say that to the rest of Hyrule." I tell them crossing my arms, as they all sigh guilt filled in it. "Now let's go find Shadow..."

30 Day OTP ChallengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora