Day 15 Different Clothing (Blue x Vio x Red)

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Red pov.

"Vio I love it!" I tell him doing a silly little twirl in the sparkly outfit he gave me. The background of the shirt a palish red, with glossy flowers painted on. My pants a darker shade and loosely fitting. He hugs me chuckling at my behavior. Of course I hug back, feeling the soft fabric of his sweater, and loose sweat pants.

He picks me up, kissing my cheek. I giggle nuzzling him. My eyes shot up, hearing Blue coming down after changing. His shoulders completely exposed, as well as a good portion of his neck, from a thin strapped pale blue shirt. His pants loose and made of that denim stuff my friend was showing my earlier this week. "Like what you see?~" He smirks down at us.

We blush sitting down, watching him come down. "So what all have you too ukes been up to today?" He puts his hands, beside us, trapping us playfully. 

"Just trying on the clothes I got us," Vio says looking away with a deep blush. 

Blue messes up Vio's hair standing back up "Vio, always the stubborn and quiet kind aren't you?" Vio whines looking away.

Blue gets like this sometimes, as in very teasing, but makes no other moves towards us. We have mixed emotions on it, on the one side it's cute, and shows that he cares even if it's not in the nicest way, on the other, it's annoying and kinda mean. So we haven't yet talked about it.

Blue turns his attention to me, cupping my cheek softly. "Aren't you just adorable, you know I had a dream about you," he tells me, pulling me closer. 

"Blue you know we don't like this... but go on, I'm curious," I tell him frowning slightly. 

"I know but it's fun to see your adorable reactions~ but back to my dream, you had an oversized hoodie on going past your hands, but you had cat ears and a tail, you were even chasing a string around," he tells me petting me to empathize the affect.

"Blue, stop already, you're making us uncomfortable." Vio gets out through grit teeth.

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