Day 23 Arguing (Blue x Shadow x Green x Vio)

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Ghosty pov.

The tension in the room was increasingly thick. Their father had visited them this morning and unknowingly caused this. Shadow's life was inside the small locket Green had around his neck. This at some point was going to happen. They just ignored the lingering dread.

Vio wanted that necklace around Shadow's neck. It was only fair as it was Shadow's life on that chain after all.

Green was anxious he grew fond of having it around his neck, and loved the way it was connected to Shadow.

Blue thought Green should keep it. It was only the mirror center that held Shadow's life. And it was Green's one thing from mom.

Shadow was silent not knowing quite what he wanted. He knew it meant a lot to Green. It helped them gain a deep connection too. And that at the beginning they did need to make sure he was completely good.

"Shadow should have it. It's his life we're talking about." Vio broke the silence uncharacteristically of himself. But he had been holding these feeling in for months. "He's done more than enough to prove he's on our side for good." He added in taking and squeezing Shadow's hand.

Blue spoke up next "It's Green's necklace, we all got one thing from mom and that's his." They didn't have a lot of compatible things available for the revival ritual, combined with the precautions they were ordered to take it made sense for the locket to be the life source short term. After all Vio was too close to Shadow, and Green was the most neutral on the matter. He wouldn't just break the necklace unless he absolutely had to. What they didn't consider was what would happen in the long term.

"How would you feel in your life was dangling from another's neck?" Vio fired back frustration building up. 

"What if I took Mom's old journals from you?" Blue pulled out. 

"Shadow is willing to trust me with his life, I love him I'd never let anything happen to him or my locket" Green puts in. He secretly loved the way it connected him to Shadow, how it meant he literally always had a part of Shadow with him.

"But you shouldn't have the power to kill him after a bad fight!" Vio puts in. He didn't think Green would ever resort to that. But that locket made it far too easy for Green to do it. Blue and Vio escalated the argument but Shadow... Shadow ran off, unable to take the tears building up in his eyes.

30 Day OTP ChallengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora