Day 20 Dancing (Shadow x Vio x Red)

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Red pov.

Going into the court yard I sigh. I really want to go out dancing but nobody wants to go out to the festival square with me. Scratch that. Nobody I want to dance with, just a few friends, not any of my lovers, and I don't want to be someone's third wheel. I can even hear the music. Blue and Green are out on a scouting mission. Shadow is busy most of the day. And Vio has social anxiety. So I don't have anyone to go with.

This sucks. I pout kicking my legs, it's not even a major festival, so I can't complain to Zelda. We all agreed we were ok with working today, but Damn it's biting me in the butt. I always like dancing, but I can't just ask them to always available for every event. Maybe I should go with my friends, at least I'll get to dance.

"Hey Red," I look up to see Vio coming out of the castle. 

"How come you're mopping around?" He asks tilting his head. 

"It's just... I want to go dancing... But you have social anxiety, and everyone else has work..." I tell him pouting and crossing my arms like a child. 

"Well, I could dance with you here if you like," he offers me his hand with it, a small smile on his face.

Taking it, he pulls me up. Puts his hand on my hip, and holds my left hand outwards just above my shoulder. We sway back and forth going across the courtyard. I smile brightly loving it all. He's pretty traditional when it comes to dancing but he does his best to balance it out. I don't really have a particular style, I'm just bouncer. He dips me down, a move he definitely learned from Shadow.

Suddenly we hear a chuckle, seems that Shadow had come to check on us "You two are so cute~ but when do I get my dances?" We blush separating. He walks up to me stealing me from Murasakino (Japanese for purple). He quickly starts dancing with me. Walking three steps forward (for him), dip spinning me at the end. At the end I'm exhausted, Shadow can sure tire me out when he wants. (A/n I know what I'm doing here, not the dancing)

I sit down switching with Vio. He smirks, placing both hands on Vio's hips. Shadow lifts Vio up at multiple points. Dips him much further than Vio did with me. And spins them in full circle. Reminding me of an exotic(ish) dance some visitors did (salsa). They're so cute like this.

Vio pants slightly, sitting back down next to me. I hug him and Shadow kisses his forehead. "I wish I could stay but I have to get back to work" he tells us nuzzling me. 

"So you tire us both out and leave, not very polite of you," Vio teases leaning on my shoulder. I giggle finding it funny as Shadow trips over himself apologizing and promising to make it up.

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