Day 11 Wearing Kigurumis (Blue x Green x Red)

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Red pov

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Red pov.

"Green! Blue! I want to show you what I found in my friends shop!" I call unloading the three pairs of pajamas. 

Green runs down hearing me, "Hey Red, what did you get?" He hugs me, nuzzling me. 

I hand him the crocodile pjs, "I couldn't find anything in purple and Shadow probably not even entertain the idea of wearing one... So pretty please try it on," I smile when Green takes his.

"Want me to try it on?" He ask already knowing the answer. 

I nod getting mine out and quickly changing into it. Green does the same chuckling a little. 

"You're so cute!~" he squeals picking me up and squeezing me gently. 

I giggle, "What's up with you, you seem unnaturally happy?" I ask hugging him back.

"Remember how I got that the bad wound, while fighting and I needed to go to the doctors?" He asks having a kinda dazed look in his eyes. 

"Yeah, I take it you just took the meds he gave you," it was probably just for the pain, Vio said it could heal on it's own and the pain was the real problem.  

"She said it was Marijuana," He tells me kinda leaning on to me.

"Hey what's going on?" Blue says walking in from the back yard. 

"Yay Blueys back!" Green says hugging him the fake tail hitting the ground behind him. I giggle at Blue's confused and almost concerned look. 

"First off, what's up with Green, Second what the heck are you wearing?" Blue asks picking Green up as he starts to pass out. 

"Green is on marijuana, and these are kigurumis, I got one for you too" I hand him his dragon pjs.

"You're going to make me wear this either way aren't you," he sighs putting Green down and changing into it, before picking him back up.

 "Well they're cute and now we all match!" I cheer giggling a bit at myself. 

"Well we better get Green to an actual bed," he tells me heading upstairs.

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