Day 13 Eating Ice Cream (Blue x Green x Vio)

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Vio pov.

"Hello Alexandra, what are you selling today?" I ask the nice brunette, who I met a few months ago. 

"Well, after Red was kind enough to let me use his ice rod, I was able to try out my new recipes. Now I can sell you, chocolate chunks, salted caramel, and Angel cake for ice creams," she jesters to the buckets in the ice box just under a thin layer of glass. 

"Chocolate sounds good, but I'll see if Green and Blue want anything first..." I tell her before I go off to find them.

Rachel nods, as I start heading to the equipment store they were planning on going to. Entering I find the two arguing over what kind of bombs to get. 

"Guys, stop it! We'll get half square half circular, ok," I yell knowing it's the fastest way to end it. They look at me surprised, Green's mouth still open. 

"Alright Violet, but how come you're here?" Green asks, packing up the bombs. 

"Alexandra got a couple new flavours, and I don't want to be here all day," I tell them, buying the bombs.

Blue takes them, taking my hand when leaving. I squeeze it gently, leading them back to the spot. If I'm lucky they'll want salted Caramel and Angel cake, that way we can all taste the new flavors. We go up placing our orders and yes they did pick the other flavours. Alexandra thanked us, as we left to go to the park.

We find a bench to sit down at and start talking. "She's really good at baking, or would it be called freezing?" Green wonders out loud to himself, taking a bite from his Angel cake cone. 

I nod leaning a little closer to him "Want to trade licks?" I ask. He nods exchanging our cones. It's a little too sweet for me to want the whole thing, but just a little is great. Green enjoys mine even stealing a second lick.

I turn to Blue ready to do the same "sorry but no, I'm uncomfortable with that because of germs." He tells me taking a lick. 

"You have kissed us both with tongue and Red and Shadow." Green says frowning at the stupid argument. 

"This is different, this is food, that I don't want germs on" he argues biting his tongue.

(Extreme sexual humor) "Blue you know that is the stupidest argument you could make. You having willingly kissed me with tongue, even deeper than usual, knowing full well that I had just given Green a blow job. You aren't going to get sick from sharing licks, if any of us are getting sick, it's from our lack of condoms!" I tell him sternly. 

"Fine..." he gives us our licks with us giving him his.

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