Day 12 Making Out (Blue x Shadow x Green)

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(A/n tons of sexual tension, like you could cut it with a knife)

Green pov.

Shadow always tastes so good! Must be from those sour candies and chocolates he snacks on. He pulls me closer running his hands through my hair, exploring my throat deeper. I suck on it happily, while I grip his back and neck. I wrap my legs around his waist, with him gently gripping my thighs.

Suddenly the door swings open, Shadow and I separate panting heavily. A chuckle escapes our intruder with a smirk playing on their lips. 

"Looks like you two were having quite the time in here, almost surprised you're both still dressed~" Blue teases picking us up. 

"Hey no fair!" I whine just wanting to get back to Shadow's lips.

He just chuckles taking us upstairs and placing us on the bed. "Now what was my little Greenie and little Demon doing?~" He asks rubbing our backs. 

"Making out..." Shadow mumbles a dark blush claiming his face. 

"What was that I couldn't hear you~" he teases putting his hands a little lower. 

"I said we were making out..." he says quietly though much clearer. 

"Oh and why would that be? My dear Greenie~" he asks bring his attention to me. 

"Because we're lovers and he's a good kisser" I tell him crossing my arms and pouting.

"Well then I'll just have to test that myself~" he whispers in my ear before going after Shadow's lips. Shadow squeaks in surprise before eagerly returning it. Blue licks his bottom lip as if asking for him to open up. Which Shadow grates, sucking on his intruder, and pulling himself closer. Blue rubs his back, tilting his head to get better access. And holding it for a good moment, before he lets Shadow go in order to breath.

He turns to me smirking "can't just ignore you~" he tilts my head up, as if presenting me with a treat. Quivering in anticipation, I close my eyes. And finally he kisses me, his chapped reminding me a little of salted jerky. I moan opening my mouth, trying to get him to invade it, claiming it for himself. He takes the hint, exploring everything he can reach. I return it moving my tongue against him, and wrapping my legs around him. Staying like that for as long as we can before our lungs starting to burn, forcing us to separate.

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