One World to The Next

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I walked through the various streets and alleys around town, just moving. Just having a walk, thinking about the world. Thinking about the world and the utter despair and hatred that looms over my shoulders, my only shields being apathy, and listlessness, which both incidentally feed the cause of the depression and loathing. I detest this world. No... that's not true... I detest the parasites which plague it!

They have blackened the skies, made new continents of plastic in the seas, and robbed the Earth of everything it had. And yet they still want more! They want more water! Food! Electricity! They keep wanting and taking, and yet never think to stop for a year or so, in which time something might come... but no... they won't rest until they either all burn, drown, or kill each other! They will destroy everything pure and beautiful! That's all they do! Destroy! It's their prime instinct! To ruin everything for everyone! They regard other species as inferior to them! And yet! And yet! They never stop to look themselves in the mirror, and see what they truly are! They are revolting creatures who leech the life out of all near and far! Humans are the worst!

I was now striding through the various alleyways that twisted and turned in all directions. By this point, I was hoping to get lost. I kept going left and right randomly at intersections. I kept on wondering around the place until I was surrounded by a group of thugs.

"Hey. This toff looks to be doing quite well for himself. Strip 'im boys" said the leader, presumably.

And I was then stripped of all valuables, not including the clothes. In truth, I didn't have much on me, and I wasn't a toff. This was just my Halloween costume. I was dressing up at something a bit ghoulish, and yet classy and fashionable. I thought it was an amazing outfit. I was proud of myself, especially since it was handmade and homemade, and it had turned out very nicely. Then the thugs left. They had, however, made sure to punch me in my mid-section a few times first though, but they left me after getting bored. Those vile creatures... humans...

I do acknowledge that I myself am human, but I too have a deep hatred for myself, as a person and as a human. I have contemplated suicide on many an occasion, sometimes staring at a knife, wondering how painful it is to slit one's wrists. Other times, I stare at the bridge in the centre of town and wonder how hard I'd hit the rushing water below. But away from that subject. Even if I'd be doing everyone a favour by doing that, I wasn't likely to do it.

I kept walking around. I still wasn't lost. I knew exactly where I was. I was about 3 hours walk away from home. I may be far away, but I knew where I was. So I kept walking. I walked and walked and walked. And finally, I was lost. I hadn't the foggiest idea where I was. This was a completely unfamiliar area. I had a look around, revelling in this sensation. I was away from my family, friends, home, and neighbourhood. And yet, if I tried hard enough, I would be able to find my way back. Go into a bigger street, find a tube station, and bobs-your-uncle.

I continued to wonder about, not really thinking, and I lost track of time. Before i knew it, it was night. Late at night. I was now worried. I would have to hurry home now. I started running towards the bright lights of the main ro--

Before me, a swirling mass of crackling lightning, smoke, and fire stood. It drew me towards it. Not just telepathically, but it reached out smoky tendrils and yanked me into its maw. I fell and fell and fell. I felt like I was falling for over a decade. And yet, after a few minutes— no, a few seconds, I hit the grassy... ground. How was the ground grassy. This was weird... and it was daytime too... I stood up and had a look around me. I was in a forest, and a very green and dense one at that. It was beautiful.

I started to walk about again. I wondered about, not a care in the new world... that is... until I stumbled upon a settlement... a human settlement. Great... more f*cking humans!

This chapter is done! What do you think? Either way, I hope you enjoyed it.

This chapter is done! What do you think? Either way, I hope you enjoyed it

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And this is your Halloween costume. And this IS MY PICTURE! IT'S MINE! But anyway, this is also my friend. I covered my friend's face and hands so as not to show any traits.

Anyway, this chapter was 816 words long.
See you next time! :3 (colon three)

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