11 | pinky promise

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Once classes are finally done for the day, I toss my belongings in my locker.

Rushing to get the hell out of this building, I grab random books and binders. Hoping I have everything I need I slam my locker shut and start making my way out of the school.

All of the homework and studying I have to complete this week rush through my mind, forcing me to slow my steps as I realize going home won't be as relaxing as I'm thinking.

As I opening the doors to exit the building, a honk threatens to force my legs to give out. I turn to glare at the culprit who looks at me with that devious smirk of his.

"Hey gorgeous." He winks. Forcing myself to remain tough as steel, I hold my glare in place.

"What the hell, Eli?" I ask as I make my way over to his car and bend so I can look at him through his window.

"Sorry, baby." He says with a playful smile. "I didn't take you for the type that would scare so easily."

"Whatever." I scoff with a roll of my eyes. "What's going on anyways? I've got a shit ton of stuff I need to get done tonight."

"I was going to offer you a ride home. But if that's such an inconvenience then I guess-"

His words are cut off by me jumping in his car with a beaming smile on my face. Leaning over, I plant a sweet kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, baby." I say with a smile before I go to sit back in my seat.

"Mmm nope." Eli says as he grabs my chin and holds me in place. "I need a real kiss." He continues in that husky voice of his.

"Fine." I teasingly draw out as I plant a gentle kiss on his lips and quickly pulling away before it got too heated.

"You know." Eli starts as he begins to drive us out of the parking lot. "You never told me where you disappeared to this morning." He says as he glances at me through his side eye.

"Huh, who knew you'd be this clingy." I say with a smile.

"Nice try, sweet cheeks. I fell for it this morning but you're not distracting me again." Eli expresses in a stern yet gentle voice.

"I ran into James in the hall." I say with a shrug. The idea of lying sends a pool of acid to my gut but I'm praying I won't have to elaborate much.

It's wishful thinking.

"And what the hell did he want?" Eli growls as I watch his knuckles transform from tan skin to pale white on the steering wheel.

"He was just being his usual, obnoxious self. Don't worry about it." I answer casually.

"You know I'm going to worry about it. Tell me what he said." Eli demands as he pulls alongside the curb in front of my house and parks his car.

"It was meaningless." I reiterate. And it's true. James is a coward, driven by a man pride he can't handle.

"Baby -" Eli starts.

"Eli." I cut him off. "You need to trust that if I was in any real danger, I would tell you."

"You know I trust you, Camila." He answers in a soft voice. "But you have the ability to get under people's skin and they can act unexpectedly. You can't guess what someone like James will do. He's a bully."

His words cut through me like a sword. I know I can't anticipate people's reactions to my behaviours. Memories of my dad threaten to overwhelm me as I fight to keep them locked away.

"I know." I murmur. "He was pissed about the party. Said you won't always be there, blah, blah, blah." I confess.

"But he also doesn't know how clingy you're turning out to be." I tease.

"He threatened you?" Eli asks. Giving me chills and forcing my mind to work in over drive to figure out a way to calm him down.

"Kind of, I guess." I shrug. "I think he was just horny, honestly. No girl wanted him after the shit that went down on Friday."

"That's not an excuse." Eli answers with conviction.

"No, it's not." I agree. "But James is an asshole, we knew this already."

I'm met with silence. The air feels heavier and the sounds of harsh breaths Eli is forcing out of his lungs spring me into action.

"Hey." I gently say as I grab his face in my hands and force his stoic face to turn to me.

"I don't plan on poking the bear, okay? If he tries to talk to me I'll kick him in the balls every time he tries. I think that'll send my message."

"I know." He murmurs as some of the tension leaves his body. "But you'll kick the bear if you see him hurting someone else."

"I will." I answer honestly. "And I won't apologize for it. If that's something you can't handle then we have a problem."

"I adore that about you. But you have to come first sometimes." He answers as his hazel orbs shine with opinions I don't want to hear.

"I'm fine, Eli. I have no issues that are as bad as getting mentally and physically tortured every day. If I can help I will." I say with finality as I grab my bag and go to leave his car.

I'm walking up my steps when I hear him curse and chase after me.

"Baby, wait!" Eli yells as he grabs my wrist and pulls me into his body. One arm wraps around my waist while his other hand brushes some hair out of my face.

The gentle action almost falters my defence.

"I just want you to be safe. Can you promise me you'll be careful?" He gently asks as my grip completely slackens on my bag and I return his embrace.

"Pinky promise." I murmur as I link my pinky with his and we each kiss the back of our thumbs. Once we gently drop our hands Eli goes in for a proper kiss. Sealing the promise the only way we know how.

I knowwww. It's been too long. I'm sorry!!

I finished my first ever sorry, "Her Secret" which took priority over this one :(

This story will be finished tho don't you worry!

I also just created a cover for a story I'll have coming out in the near future and it looks sooooo good (if I do say so myself, lol).

I am currently enrolled in some creative writing classes at uni so my new book will be the best out of all of my stories so pls stay tuned for that!

Please let me know what you think about this chapter!! Any guesses as to where this story is going???

(Hint: I left a big part of it out of the hashtags ;). And it's a real issue going on in the world today so be patient pls! I need to do it justice which requires research.)

Until next time!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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