4 | first day

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The first day of senior year has finally come, and to be honest the only thing I'm looking forward to is this being the last first day of high school.

Nothing traumatic has ever happened to me in these halls, I'm just over it. I'm ready to get my life officially started and I know that's not going to happen until I graduate. I also know, that if I want to attend college next year I'm going to need high grades and a crap ton of financial aid. Which means I need to focus this year and really pull good grades.

"Can you believe it?" Lexi asks as she lean against the locker next to mine, facing me as I collect my things for Math from my locker.

"Believe what?" I confusedly ask as I rummage through my things trying to find my calculator.

"That this is it!" She exclaims "It's the first day of senior year, and this is it. The same as all of the other first days of school."

"Yeah, Lexi." I smile at her, as I take a minute to appreciate her spirit. "What did you expect? This isn't high school musical."

"Yeah, unfortunately not." Lexi mumbles "All I'm asking is for Troy Bolton to break into a song for me as we get excited about senior year, is that too much to ask?" she jokes as I finally find my calculator and we being to make our way through the halls.

"No," I smirk "I'm sure Dev would dance around naked for you if you asked." I laugh.

"Oh, he has." Lexi teases in amusement "I have a video if you'd like to see?"

"Trying to leak our sex tape babe?" Dev asks as he and Eli fall into step with us as we pass Eli's locker. Dev throws an arm around Lexi and kisses her on the cheek as she laughs at his comment.

"Almost," I cut in "She told me she has a video of you dancing around naked, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious, Dev."

Dev laughed and said "I'm sure you are, Cami." as we reached my math classroom.

"Well this is me, sadly." I say, stopping all of them from walking "I'll see you guys at lunch?" I ask.

"Nope," Lexi smiles "We have history together, I'll see you then." And with that, her and Dev make their depart to their English class.

I'm about to walk into class when I remember Eli is still standing here. I raise a questioning eyebrow at him which makes him smirk.

"I'm trying to get to class, Camila." Eli teases.

"Well, move your ass then Sanders?" I confusedly say as I turn around and walk into class taking a seat in the back row beside the window as the bell rings.

I hear someone sit beside me and I turn to see it's Eli. I sigh tiredly and ask "Couldn't have just told me you were in this class, huh?"

"Nope." he smirks "It was more fun my way."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and smile as the teacher begins the lesson.

I tune into what she's saying, until I realize she's just talking about the syllabus. So I tune back out on the grounds that I could just read it online, knowing full well I won't. I'm looking out the window when I feel Eli poking at my arm.

I face him to see he's wearing his flirtatious smile, and I try to prepare myself for what's about to come.

"Y'know, Camila." He whispers as he plays with a strand of my hair "We never did talk about what happened before I left."

"Is this classroom really where you want to talk about this?" I question with a raise eyebrow and amused smile.

"It's probably better we do it here, wouldn't you agree?" He asks with a knowing smile. I can't help but agree, knowing we can't get carried away in a classroom. Not without getting kicked out anyways.

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