6 | step by step

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This step by step process is really taking longer than I had expected. It's been about three weeks since I went to see Eli at work, and since then not much has changed. We haven't kissed since that night, we haven't gone on any dates, and we haven't really been on our own.

We have, however, had a mutual understanding. We know each others intentions, and we know we have some unfinished business, meaning we have both basically taken ourselves off of the markets.

I have once again friendzoned Drew, and I'm sure Eli has had to turn down some offers as well.

It is currently a Saturday afternoon and I find myself binge watching Netflix in bed when my phone rings as Lexi calls me.

"This is sexy's pizza, how can I help you?" I ask with a smirk as I hear Lexi's laugh.

"I'd take a slice of you anytime, baby." Lexi answers through a laugh which brings a smile to my face. "But, I do call with another request."

"And what would that be?" I ask as I get up and stretch my cramped muscles, already knowing she's about to drag me out of my house.

"Dev's parents are out of town on business tonight and he's having some people over. It won't be a big party or anything but I'm going to need you there because I already feel separation anxiety from not seeing you for almost 24 hours." Lexi explains in a hurry as I begin getting my stuff together to get ready.

"Of course I'll be there, Lexi." I answer as I start moving around my room to try and put an outfit together. "What time should I be there?"

"You need to come as soon as possible." Lexi answers as she mumbles something of to Dev. "Everybody else will probably be there around ten or eleven. Alright I got to go babe, see you soon!" And with that she abruptly hangs up causing me to roll my eyes.

I grab my outfit which consists of a button down black skirt, a red cami, my leather jacket, and of course fish nets. I bring my outfit with me into the bathroom and take a quick shower before going through my regular routine for getting myself ready.

Because my hair is still wet I throw it into two french braids, and as I'm doing so my phone rings again. I answer it without looking, assuming that it's Lexi asking me where I am.

"Seriously, Lexi? Dev can't even keep you occupied for thirty minutes while I try to get my shit together?" I tease as I continue doing my hair.

"You know, Camila, I don't appreciate what you're implying. I'm sure Dev does the best he can in the bedroom." Eli's voice cuts through, causing me to confusedly look at my phone to see it's on a FaceTime call with Eli, and not a phone call with Lexi.

I quickly propped my phone up on my mirror as I rolled my eyes and resumed doing my hair.

"I didn't look at my phone when I answered. But Dev doesn't look like he would have issues in the bedroom, I have complete faith in your best friend pleasing my best friend." I answer as I watch Eli roll his eyes and make his way around his room.

"Alright, well I'm changing the subject now. I'm guessing you're going tonight?" Eli asks as he sprays his Hugo Boss cologne on and shoves his wallet into his jeans.

"No actually, I'm getting ready for a hot date." I sarcastically answer as I finish my hair and decide to add red lipstick to my look for the night.

"I'm the hottest date you'll ever have, baby. And I don't remember making any plans." Eli answers, not missing a beat as he grabs his keys. "But I'm picking you up, I'll be there in ten."

And with that he hangs up and leaves me rolling my eyes again. Why do people keep hanging up on me?

I hurriedly packed my purse before running to let mama know I'm leaving.

"Mama!" I yell as I scramble to put my Dr. Martens on. "Iré a la casa de Dev esta noche con Lexi!" I continue as I make my way into the kitchen to give her and abuela a kiss on each cheek and ruffle Mateo's hair. (I am going to Dev's house tonight with Lexi).

"Oh Camila! Siempre con amigos, ¿qué hay de tu abuela?" Abuela lectures me as she cooks dinner for tonight. (Oh Camila! Always with your friends, what about your abuela?)

"Sabes que te amo, abuela. Y mañana soy todo tuyo, tu también mamá, lo prometo." I say as I quickly down a cup of water. (You know I love you, abuela. And tomorrow I am all yours, yours too mama I promise.).

"Toma buenas decisiones esta noche, Camila." Mama lectures as I get a text from Eli telling me he's here. (Make good choices tonight, Camila).

"Lo prometo. Los amo chicos y los veré mañana." I answer as I give everyone another kiss and run out of my house to meet Eli. (I promise. I love you guys and will see you tomorrow).

Leaving my house I'm greeted by the sight of Eli not in his car, but on his motorcycle. Of course, looking sexy as ever, but I can't help but roll my eyes over his decision.

"Really?" I ask as I make my way over to Eli as he leans on his bike with his arms crossed across his chest, and a sexy smirk playing on his lips.

"I saw an opportunity." Eli shrugs as I step up to him and he puts his hands on my hips bringing me closer.

"An opportunity for what?" I tease as I bring my hands up to around his neck and play with his hair that is messed up to the perfect degree. His addictive scent fills the air around him and I am suddenly entranced by all that is Eli.

"To see how sexy you're going to look on my bike, and who knows one day maybe I can teach you how to drive it." Eli smiles as he brings his face down closer to mine and plays with one of my braids.

"I'm going to take you up on that offer, Sanders." I excitedly reply. I've always not only wanted to ride on a motorcycle, but drive one as well. I might hate it, but it's something everyone relates to as flying. So it's something I've decided I need to try.

"You look stunning, as usual, Camila." Eli whispers as he traces my fishnet clad legs, and I smirk over the knowledge of what they are not doubt doing to him. "You know what these do to me, baby." Eli huskily mumbles out as he slowly brings his hands up to rest on my waist.

"I do know." I murmur back, too preoccupied by his hands moving to come up with a better response.

"I know we're taking this one step at a time, and I think tonight is maybe time to bring us up to step two." Eli huskily groans out as he tries to move me impossibly closer to him.

"And what would that be, Elijah?" I breathlessly whisper as I trace the beauty marks that are visible from above the collar of his white v-neck.

"A public kiss." Eli murmurs as he peppers kisses along my collarbone, halting my movements and causing me to bring my hands back up to his hair to give it a tug, and to tilt my head back to give him more access.

"And what good will that do?" I whisper as I force Eli's head back so I can focus, and begin tracing his sharp jawline as I maintain eye contact with his darkened hazel eyes.

"I don't know." Eli shrugs with a tiny smirk playing on his lips. "But I do know that even if it's not step two, there's not way in hell I'll be able to resist tonight."

"I think I can deal with that." I answer with a smile as I pull back and allow Eli to put a helmet on me and get me situated on the bike.

"I knew it." Eli huskily says as he looks at me sitting on his bike. "Sexy as hell."

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