7 | teamwork

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Eli and I got to Dev's about ten minutes after we left my house, and as Lexi said it was just the four of us. But now it's 10pm and this meant to be small gathering has spiralled out of control. Dev doesn't seem to mind so we've all decided to go with it.

I was just in the kitchen with Lexi grabbing a drink when we heard chanting and shouts above the loud music. We shared a look before we made our way through the crowd. In the middle of the circle there was a boy that looked as though he didn't belong.

He was lanky and you could tell by his posture he was timid and wanted to be anywhere other than here. Standing across from him was one of the guys from the football team, James Daniels, standing across from him.

James' posture is smug and taunting which clues me in on what's been going on.

"You actually came?" James taunts as he stares at the boy with a look of amusement and smug disbelief. "You thought people wanted you here?"

The poor boy looks about our age, and is shaking, looking completely terrified. James makes a move to get closer to the boy when I have had enough.

I step in between James and the boy, facing James with a look of anger and disgust. "Don't be a fucking asshole." I spit as James before turning around and facing the boy.

"Hi." I smile at him. "What's your name?"

"Michael." He timidly responds.

"Michael." I repeat with a smile. "Want to get a drink?"

I can tell he's about to decline when Lexi comes and joins us. "Dev and Eli just got back with more beer." she excitedly says "Want to play a game of beer pong with us?" she asks Michael.

I'm about to give him my puppy dog eyes to come and join us, because I have now made it my mission to help him have a great night when James' voice cuts through.

"Are you fucking kidding?" he spits, causing Lexi and I to turn back around to face him. "Why are you wasting your time on him?"

"Because asshole." Lexi angrily responds "Not everybody is going to sit around and watch you be a prick."

"Oh I'm the prick?" James humourlessly laughs. "What about you guys? You all walk around all high and might-"

"Just because we don't put up with your bullshit doesn't mean we think we're better than you dumb ass." I cut in not wanting him to yell at Lexi like that.

"Miss me with that." He scoffs at me as he takes a few steps closer to me, effectively making me uncomfortable. "You just think you're too good for us, maybe I should give you a reality check."

"Maybe you should back up?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. He continued to step closer to me, making me lose my patience.

"Last chance." I warn, and when we takes another step closer I met him half way whilst ramming my fist across his jaw. There was a collective gasp in the crowd that was formed as James grabbed his now bruised jaw.

"What the fuck?" He asked with thunder in his eyes. I can tell I made him angrier and I tried not to let it get to me. I can feel Lexi and Michael tense behind me as I attempted to stay relaxed.

"I told you to back up." I nonchalantly shrug as he stands up to his full height and makes his way towards me again. Lexi grabs hold of my arms and tries to pull me away as Michael mumbles that we need to go.

I continue to hold my ground nonetheless, and prepare myself for the string of curses and insults that are no doubt about to come my way when two bodies join us in the middle of the circle.

Twelve Steps to LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora