2 | unforgettable

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A/N Guys!!! I just uploaded this story yesterday and we're at #38 in badass reads!! Thank you guys so much for the support and I'm glad you're enjoying!


It's been two hours since I ended things with Drew, and I am thoroughly drunk. Just as my other friends are.

Dev and Lexi have taken off to do things I'd rather not know about, which leaves Eli and I.

We dominated beer pong until we grew bored, so much to the crowds disappointment, we moved on to our next activity for the night.

We've drawn on passed out peoples faces, pissed of the meat head jocks, and now find ourselves dancing.

French Montana's Unforgettable is blasting through the speakers as Eli and I dance, and though we're not dancing on each other, our movements seem to me in sync.

I move my hips to the rhythm and I laugh at Eli trying to mimic the crazy leg moves seen in the video.

You are, unforgettable. I need to get you alone.

I eventually lose myself to the movements, not noticing anything but the infectious beat.

I'm brought back into reality when a pair of hands grabs my hips and pulls me into firm body.

I look up to see Eli already staring down at me with a lust filled gaze, and as he starts to move his body to the beat against me, I'm putty in his hands.

It's not good enough for me, since I've been with you.

Our bodies sway together, our faces only a breath apart, as we surround ourselves in each other.

Eli's hands grip at my waist as mine go around his neck and into his hair. His hands explore me, until they slide down my body, feeling my fishnet clad thighs. They slowly make their way back up as he grips at my hips and spins me around, so my back is to his front.

We're still molded together, but now his hands are travelling along my waist and stomach, tracing my sides.

He moved my hair away from my neck and his heavy breath whispers in my ear, "I asked if you were ready, Camila. Are you?"

Now, I don't know if it's because I'm tipsy, or because the sexual tension that surrounded us before he left still does, or if it's just because he looks so damn good in that leather jacket, but my response was to stay in his arms, but to turn back around.

My face was darlingly close to his as we both waited to see if anybody would make the first move.

But things were complicated, we both knew that. We're friends and he left. He has secrets, and if we fuck anything up, Lexi and Dev are the ones who pay for it.

Upon realizing this, I step onto my toes until my face lines up with his ear so I can whisper "You're the one whose not ready, Elijah."

And with that, I turned away from him and began the quest of tracking down my best friend.


It took me about ten minutes to find Lexi and Dev who are currently out on the front lawn.

I step out to meet with them, and as I do, a very drunk Lexi yells "There's my best friend! That's my best friend!"

Chuckling, I begin making my way over to her, but she meets me half way, running and bringing me into a tight hug.

However, her drunk self didn't realize how fast she was moving and fell into me, causing me to fall onto the ground as she falls on top of me.

As expected, the wolf whistles and cat calls begin at the sight of a drunk Lexi straddling me.

I laugh as she struggles to sit up and eventually just lays down on top of me.

"Geez, Lex. How much have you had to drink?" I ask.

"Clearly too much." Dev cuts in as he leans down to lift Lexi off of me.

"Damn," Eli's deep voice chuckles "What have I missed?"

And just like that things are back to normal. I eventually get on Lexi's level, and by the looks of it Dev and Eli aren't very far behind.

We all decide to leave the party and begin our walk home. Lexi and I both live in the sub division next to this one, and no doubt Dev will be staying with Lexi.

Eli lives in the richer part of the city, but walks along with us.

As we're stumbling along, Eli makes a crude comment about Dev and Lexi, making Lexi laugh and Dev push Eli.

Eli flies into a car next to him, setting the alarm off. We pause for a pregnant second, all of us looking at each other with wide eyes, until the owner of the car comes storming out of the house wearing just his boxers, causing his beer belly to be out an about.

He's holding a bat over his head as he screams profanities at us, and in his defence, it is 5am.

Finally, we all come to our senses and run from the guy.

Although, I would say it's more of a jog because we all can't stop laughing. As we're jogging we reach the point where Lexi and I have to part ways, causing her to yell "Later, bitch!" into the quiet night.

I, in response, laugh and flip her off as I continue walking towards my house.

At the sound of a lighter, I turn to see Eli still following me.

"I thought I lost you by now." I slur as I try to balance on the curb.

"Bored of me already?" he asks as he takes a drag.

"Surprisingly, no." I chuckle. "You'd think I would be by now."

"It'll eventually come, won't it Camila?" Eli asks, expecting my answer to be yes.

And, honestly, it should be. But it's not. I hung out with him for two years pretty constantly, and I never got bored of him.

Annoyed? Yes. Bored? No.

"Not with you, Sanders. You know how to keep me on my toes."

Eli throws his cigarette on the ground as he steps closer to me. Because I'm on the side walk, our heights are almost even, making his scent overwhelm me, and it's almost enough to compel me to throw caution to the wind and make the move.

But I know I can't, and he knows we can't.

One kiss, and we'd be done. We've learned that already. If he had stayed, things would have gotten messy and we may not be here right now.

"I'm holding you to that, Camila." Eli whispers in my ear, before he plays with my necklace and walking away, leaving me standing in front of my house.

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