Chapter 1: A New Home

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(Heads up- if there any spelling mistakes, please correct me! Have a good read otherwise!) 

The way the tree's passed us on the bus ride almost made me forget that I was going somewhere terrifying. A place filled with people I had never meet- and an apartment filled with strangers.

But I had a little hope- as much as I dared anyways. I had made friends with some people online- and we had agreed to meet one day. I had told them where I was going when I moved, and I said maybe to meeting them.

Stepping off the bus- I adjusted my yellow jacket, grabbing my suitcase and making sure my backpack wasn't stuck. I walked around a bit- lost. I peered through my sunglasses, looking for the apartment I had agreed to stay at.

Finding the number- I walked over, noting a loose tile or two. Better keep an eye out for that. Opening the door with my personal set of keys- I was greeted with silence. It was probable to think that my roommates were out- or maybe I was the first there.

Shrugging, I looked around for a room. I noticed the first two rooms were taken- suitcases half unpacked and objects already in the room. There were only four rooms, but two were shareable and the other two were one person rooms. One single shared room was a lot bigger than the smaller one- so I took the smaller ones.

Rolling my suitcase in the small room- I sat down on the floor. I had asked for my things to be moved using a local moving truck, so I had a while to wait. At least I knew when it got there.

So I did. I waited for a while, mentally planning where to shove my bed (against the wall), my desk (opposite wall), and my bookcase. An hour or so later- I got a text from my friend.

Lacy- Hey bro- got your stuff. Where are ya?

Me- Im inside. Be out in a sec

I grabbed my keys and headed back outside to meet Lacy. Lacy was an old family friend, and her family owned a moving truck company- so as luck would have it, Lacy was free to drive over with my stuff.

The two of us hauled my things in, moving the bigger objects in place. She handed me two boxes, and we said our goodbyes.

Now alone once more, I shut my door and locked it. Then I turned my headphones on and got to work setting up my new room. I put the covers on my bead, a galaxy theme, and then set up my desk. I put my pens in a cup I had made ages ago, set up my plugs and overall unpacked more than I expected to. When I was done- it looked a little more like home... but it was too empty. I stared at the blank wall above my desk, the only thing on the storm grey walls was a sign.

Shaking my head, I plugged in my phone and computer- kept my headphones, and decided to just hide away until my roommates came home, or I felt my stomach growling. Clicking on some video that popped up, I passed time like that- laying on my stomach watching videos on art and storytimes.

I finished a video and checked the time, surprised to see just how much time I had wasted online. Shrugging my shoulders, I unplugged my headphone and checked my phone battery. Opening it u and then checking my instagram.

Suddenly, a knock sounded at my door. My head shot up in surprise at the noise, and I paused my scrolling.

"Ye- yes?" I asked, voice a little sore.

"Hey there kiddo! We all started making dinner- we wanted to know if you would come out to eat with us and say hi!" quipped the man on the other side of the door.

"Oh, um, sure! Just give me a second," I said, fumbling to throw on some socks.

"It's okay, just meet us in the kitchen, k?" He said, before leaving.

"Okay!," I threw back. I waited till he left before slipping out of the room, and heading to the bathroom. I wanted to take a look at my face, and prepare myself.

So I stood there for a minute, biting my lip. I stared at my discolored eye- not a chocolate brown but a golden yellow, the discolored skin around it and on my hands, everything. I traced the line between my darker skin and almost white skin, and though for a moment. What would i do if they laughed? Or thought I was a freak or something? I sighed and turned around, heading to the communal kitchen/dining room.


Chapter 1 is done! Hope you enjoyed this, promise they'll be a bit longer in the future. anyways- enjoy your day! See ya next chapter! 

Roomies (Sander Sides Human AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora