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Tom's p.o.v

Today is the day...the day me and tord get married honestly I kinda feel trapped but ...I wanted this I told him yes and now were getting married. Tord gave me this little pin to wear so I dicided to put it on ,I was about to get my tux when all the sudden I saw edd "hey bro what's wrong?" He looked up to me with guilt "I...I'm sorry I'm so sorry for everything I know you loved them all of them but I just wanted you to be happy with him" I got confused "what are you talking about" he pulls me down and takes the pin off of my clothes and throws it "listen now and listen good he's not who you think he is you need to leave NOW!" I starded to get frustrated "MOVE IT EDD! IM GETTING MARRIED TODAY AND THATS THAT!" I then walked off ...

Edd's p.o.v

He won't listen I have to save him from this horrorable fate "I have to stop this wedding"

"You know that talking out loud isnt a good idea" I turned around to be face with tord in his wedding dress (yes tord were the dress) "I

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"You know that talking out loud isnt a good idea" I turned around to be face with tord in his wedding dress (yes tord were the dress) "I...I will stop you from hurting tom you can't do this to him once he finds out he'll leave you for sure!" He slowly walked up to me "you know that if you didn't try to ruin this special day for me I wouldn't have to do this" he pulled out a knife and put my hands behind my back "and you know I really did care for you, it hurts to have to do this" and just like that everything went black....

Tord's p.o.v

I quickly slit his throught,set the weapon down and walked away...

"OMG TOMMY!" I screamed "what's wrong ba-WHAT HAPPEND TO EDD!" I started to cry "I...I'm...sorry t..tommy I..I think he k..killed himself because I..I found t...this letter..." I give him the letter I 'found' it said

"dear tom and tord

I'm sorry to leave you all alone on your wedding day I hope you can understand, I've been going through many things lately so please for me continue the wedding without me


Honestly I wasn't even going to go you know how boring weddings are I was honestly just going to go to break you and tord apart I never liked you guys together anyways but for my last wish please continue the wedding without me

Tom starded to cry his eyes out "its ok baby lets at least do his last wishes and continue the wedding"

3rd person p.o.v

"Do you Thomas Rica take tord lawyers as you lawfully wedded husband"
Tom stared into tord eyes
"I do..."
Tord smiled
"And do you tord lawyers take Thomas Rica to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Tord smiled even wider but was secretly hiding an evil seek that only edd whould have been able to see
"I do"
The priest finally says that last line
"I now pronounce you husband and ...well...husband YOU MAY NOW KISS THE HUSBAND"
Tom and tord shared a loving kiss between one another while everyone cheered. While in the shadows

There was someone waiting to get revenge on Tord.R.Lawyers for the loss of there lover.....


Hi everyone its me reina and I'm saying this now that I'm devoting any free time I have to this book and I wanted to get this chapter out today just in case the whole article 13 is going to happen I wanted to get this out, the drawing is mine, until the next chapter

P.s ima put my chickens away

You Belong To Me {♡tomtord♡}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu