Jungkook looked at him with concern, though Yoongi was sure he could see a glimmer of amusement in those brown orbs.

"You okay hyung? You seem clumsy today."

"Yeah I'm fine Kookie I just need a break is all," he assured with a small smile. He couldn't do a full-fledged smile at that moment since he really wasn't feeling up to it. But no matter, it was enough to make the maknae leave him alone.

Man, his arms are pretty sore, and that's another thing cuz his leg was the one that had a problem in the first place.



Jin was standing in front of the table, admiring his masterpiece of a feast to feed his younger dongsaengs. Oh look at the effort! So amazing! The aroma was enough for the maknae line's heads to peek out to sniff the air. But they had to wait for the rapper line to finish.

Hm what's that? Gasp!


"Taehyung gimme the flyswatter ASAP!" His hand reached out to receive the pink weapon, eyes trained on the intruder that caused chaos in the dorm.

If that thing lands on the pork, he's gonna-

Ahh there it is!


Crap missed it!


There it goes!


Darn, foiled again!

And there it appears!


Jimin watched his eldest hyung fight with the pesky fly, and he was growing scared. Not of the fly, no. But hyung himself, since he was so close to ruining his hard work that he almost stepped on the soup because he was trying in vain to really reach the fly.

"Uh hyung?"

"Not now Jimin-ah hyung's busy."


"Where'd you think you're going ah? Come back here you filthy li'l uninvited pest!"

Jin grunts as he throws the flyswatter to the insect, the object of course missing its target. The fly peacefully perches on the window, where Jungkook opens it to let the fly out, closing the glass again as he gives his eldest hyung a scared glance.

"Hyung you know you could just shoo it away right?"

Jin's face was red, and he was gasping for breath. He gulped in air before replying "I knew that."

"So why didn't you?"

"No questions please. Now, where was I?"

The maknaes shared nervous glances.

Lesson learned: Never let Jin-hyung catch sight of a fly. Or any insect, for that matter.

They were about to go back inside their respective rooms when-


For a second there Taehyung thought it was another pest. Turns out Jin had fallen from his chair since he was standing upon it, and the trio let him be as they walked back.


Hoseok bowed his thanks to his beloved fandom, throwing hearts and flashing dazzling smiles to all those who were lucky to meet eyes with him.

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