Pillow Fights

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"Whooo!" Hoseok yelled, jumping on the sofa with Namjoon and Taehyung sitting on it as well.

"Hyung stop you're gonna make us fall!" Taehyung tells him, a hint of a whine in his voice as the up and down motion made him slightly dizzy.

Namjoon was slightly bothered by it but he learned to block out such disturbances. Instead, he was looking straight at the black TV screen, imagining his favorite show playing.

Just then, the youngest appeared wearing sweatpants and a large gray shirt. He leapt and grabbed the jumping hyung's torso, making them both tumble to the ground.

Jimin peeked his head inside the living room and saw the commotion. He let out an exasperated sigh. "How are we gonna watch the movie if you're already horsing around? Jungkook stop that Hobi-hyung's gonna choke." With that, he left to tend to the popcorn.

The leader briefly turned to the younger as he spoke, but when he was gone he stood to help. He went inside the kitchen to see him leaning on the wall watching the popcorn spin in the microwave. When he heard footsteps he turns to give the leader a smile. "Hey hyung what's up?"

"Hobi-hyung's jumping is making me wanna vomit." Seeing Jimin's alarmed look he added quickly "But not right now. I meant, when he was hopping nonstop." After a beat he follows with "And Jungkook's not calming down anytime soon. He's been hyper all day."

The younger frowns a bit. "Poor Taehyungie. He must be exhausted all day."

Namjoon smirks audibly. "It's like some supernatural element switched him and Yoongi-hyung since he's been noisy and accompanying Kookie too."

He looks at him. "Hyung you know I don't understand such deep things."

"Well that's my way of comparison." They share giggles. Namjoon catches sight of an unpeeled orange. "Oh hey is anyone gonna eat that? If not I'd like to get that as my movie snack. It's way more healthier than greasy popcorn anyway."

As Jimin looks toward the fruit, his eyes widen as he sees a knife sitting beside the orange. It doesn't take long for him to find out his hyung is planning on using the tool to peel off the skin. He quickly pushes himself off the wall and darts toward the sharp object, successful at grabbing the handle before Namjoon got to touch it. The latter looks back at him confusedly.

"I- I'll just peel this off for you hyung. Thanks for your help but I can manage." After the incident with the lighter, Seokjin refused Namjoon to help in any way if it concerns the kitchen. Jimin distinctly remembered how the eldest warned him. "Don't let Namjoon touch anything and I mean anything in the kitchen." He gulped. Namjoon gave one last uncertain glance before leaving. He sighed in relief. "Oh and can you call Tae for me?" He received a nod and in mere seconds he was there with a confused and puzzled expression.

But Taehyung smiled as he bounded over to him. "What's up Jiminie?"

"Once the popcorn is ready for eating I want you to bring it to the living room. Whose turn is it to pick the movie?" he asked as he peeled Namjoon's orange.

As Taehyung stands in front of the microwave to see the popcorn he answers "Jungkookie. I'll just tell him now." He comes back to stand in his place, waiting for the ding.

Hoseok and Jungkook were busy choosing movies, and the older suddenly had a wicked idea. He left Kook's side to get a pillow and fling it to the back of his head. The maknae slowly turned to the offender, and Hoseok screamed as they chased each other in the living room, Namjoon busy with the air conditioning of the room. Jungkook picked up a pillow and threw it as hard as he could at his silly hyung, and he laughed at the shriek that left Hoseok's mouth. In mere seconds they grabbed pillows and started hitting each other with it, playing pillow fights. One stray pillow hit Namjoon squarely in the face, and as means of retaliation joined the heated argument of feathers and cushions.

That was how Jimin and Taehyung found them, jaws agape. A giggle left Taehyung's mouth and he set the popcorn on the table to hit Jungkook in the chest with a fluffy pillow. Jimin shrugged and left the orange for the fun.

Moments later Jin went out of his room wearing shorts and sweater. The weather was cold today and he didn't want to get sick. His sleepy eyes widened as he took in the scene in front of him: five of them playing pillow fights. "What is the meaning of this? Hoseok explain yourself." He put on a stern expression.

"Explain this!" Hoseok throws a big pillow toward the eldest, hitting the top of his head.

Jin pulled up the sleeves of his sweater. "Alright that's it this is war!" he declares, bending down to grab the offending pillow, but his back was attacked by multiple small ones. With a battle cry he approached his members and they all laughed and hit each other with soft things, feathers flying all around. Because of so much fun and the noises they were emitting, they didn't notice the front door open and Yoongi come in, nose red from the cold and beanie wrapped tightly around his head. He froze in the process of peeling off his gloves, and he took in the sight before him.

He'd been out to visit his friends and family. Then he bought a few sweaters for the cold weather. He expected to find them watching a movie or something. Well it seemed like that was their original plan since 'Hitman's Bodyguard' was playing on the screen but none of them were paying attention.

"Uh hello? Yeah I just came in the front door to find you all like this." At his voice they all turned to look at him, shock and delight written on their faces. The attention was quite unnerving but he doesn't care.

Then "Suga-hyung's back!" Taehyung cries joyfully, proceeding to hit him with pillows. Oh well. Pillow fights don't hurt one bit so Yoongi decided to join the fun.

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