Zombies and Ghosts

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Taehyung chewed thoughtfully on a cookie as he said to the maknae "What do you think is worse: a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion?"

From playing video games Jungkook spared one of his hyungs a glance to look back at the screen. "Seriously?" He's silent for a moment before "I really dunno how to answer but I guess it's gonna be... alien invasion."

"But your brains are gonna be eaten by zombies and you're gonna run around all day, always hiding and watching out if in case that day's your last. There's not much food and you haven't bathed in ten weeks. You didn't get sleep and-"

Jungkook cuts "Okay okay fine I'll choose the other one."

Tae's head tilts to the side. "But you're gonna-"

"I'm guessing it's gonna be the same anyway: running around and hiding so neither."

He pouts. "You're no fun Kookie."

Jungkook could only roll his eyes at the blunt statement. "Then why do you insist on hanging out with me so much? Hobi-hyung's been asking for your attention too you know."

"Eh he's too wild for me." Jungkook paused his game to look at him. "But I love him as well. It's just these days I'm feeling pretty laid back and lazy to do anything. I'm just gonna drag hyung around or something." After a few minutes he spoke again. "Hey did you ever wonder if rain was the heaven's tears?"

Pushing buttons around and roughly controlling the joystick the younger sighed "Don't start with me hyung. Ask Rapmon-hyung he's smart."

"Yeah but he's too smart for me. I might faint at just hearing any of his big words." He taps his fingers together and just stays quiet before he decides to talk some more. "Yah Jungkook." At his noncommittal hum he continued "There's this one time I swear I saw a ghost. But she wasn't scary or anything like that. She's just standing there with this beautiful white dress reaching the knees. Her hair reached her shoulders and she smiled a small pretty smile at me."

"Uh-huh. Are you sure you weren't dreaming or hallucinating?"

A frown makes its way to the older's lips at the accusation. He sits up a little straighter in the bed. "I don't joke about things like that. I really felt her presence even when I was surrounded by family. It seemed like she was just there, watching me. I let her cuz she wasn't doing anything bad anyway. When we were about to leave the picnic place we bid goodbye. She was a sweet one I'll tell you. Smiled bigger than the first."

Jungkook tried very much to look like he was not bothered but he slightly felt his eyebrows creasing in worry and a little bit of panic because of his hyung's story. He realized that he lost the game and let go of the controller to scoot closer to him. "Okay hyung you wanna play like that? I'm gonna tell you a scary story that you won't even be able to blink!"

He doesn't miss the older's pout. "What are you on about Guk? I just shared something. I wasn't trying to tell scary stories in a room where it's almost midnight."

Still Jungkook shook his head. "No backsies hyung." He put his hands together. "Okay so there's this man and he's camping outside in a foggy forest. Five nights in and he finished all his food so he began to hunt during the evening. He spotted an abandoned church and went there to ask or look around. What he didn't know was that a ghost lived there and he disturbed her. Well she was a sort of violent lady and didn't like any snoopers so scared the hell out of him with her black eyes and sharp teeth. She even had long claws and-"

"Stop stop it Kookie that's not fair!" Taehyung whined, face crumpling. "Don't put any images in my head! I shared that the girl I saw was kind and nice and yours is bad and vicious." His face returns to normal. "It just goes to say that there are many kinds of ghosts."

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