Dance Practice

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"No V more power and energy," said the instructor as he showed Tae his steps again. The young idol just watched, nodding silently and figuring out his mistakes in the process. "Got that?" He nodded in affirmation. "Alright people let's do it from the top. Kim Taehyung I wanna see you alive okay?"

"Yes sir!"

After practice was over Namjoon thanked the instructor with a grateful smile saying "Thanks so much for coming all this way sir."

The instructor smiled kindly. "No problem Namjoon. You be safe now." With a last goodbye and final wave, he was gone.

"I thought he said you had to be more serious?" asked the maknae as he took a sip from his bottle.

The members were resting except for Taehyung, who opted to to practice more in front of the mirror.

"Yeah but I still can't get the beat right," reveals the second maknae, concern and worry evident on his young features.

Hoseok was talking to Jin. Jimin and Yoongi were watching the practice. Namjoon just came back inside to see the lazy atmosphere, the kid in the middle staring at his reflection.

"What's he doing?" he asked the others quietly.

"Practicing more since he wants to perfect it," answers Jimin. They all watch him again.

Taehyung suddenly felt all eyes on him and when he chanced a glance in the mirror he was right. He turned to face all of them in person. "Stop staring at me it's getting uncomfortable."

"Well what do you want us to look at?" Jin asks.

"I don't know, elsewhere!"

"That's a fine-looking butt right there," Hoseok teases good-naturedly, succeeding in making him turn red and flustered. He walked over to him, and Hoseok merely looked up at him with innocent eyes. "Though I suggest you beef it up more." The blush only grew and Taehyung left with a huff to crouch in front of his bag, retrieving a shirt and throwing it to his hyung's head so it blocked his eyes.

"Much better hyung."

"You're too kind."

Yoongi was still having a comfortable conversation with Jimin when he checked his phone for the time. "Hey guys do we have anywhere else to go after this?"

Namjoon shared a look with Hoseok and answered "No why?"

The older rapper stood up and patted Jimin's head affectionately. "I'm gonna go somewhere. I might not make it for dinner later though. But don't worry hyung," he told Jin, who was looking at him. "I'll be home eleven-ish."

Jin narrowed his eyes at him. "You better. Or else I'm gonna lock your music room." Yoongi's eyes widened at the threat and inwardly promised himself to make it home by ten thirty.

"Yes hyung I promise." With a final wave to his gang, he left.

Tae went back to practicing, remembering how the song played. He couldn't get his steps right and he felt the timing off. Feeling tired and dehydrated, he walked to his water bottle and took a swig.

Jimin was observing him carefully, more so than the others. "Maybe you could try popping," he suggested out of the blue. Tae and Jungkook turned to him. The eldest maknae picked himself up off the floor to go toward his fellow maknaes. The older hyungs were by their own corner.

Hobi calls to them "Yah we're leaving at o' clock better make it quick if you wanna get home early."

Jimin looks in his direction. "Will do hyung!"

"Popping?" repeats the second maknae.

"Yeah. Like how Jungkookie does it," Jimin said. "Show him Kook."

And so Jungkook did, and Taehyung observed and made mental notes on the way. He stopped and took a breath before speaking. "I think that's what your step should be about," he told him. "But not exactly like that. I picture your step to have some pops but it's still graceful so you won't look like a robot."

He hummed. "Okay maybe I will." He did his part again and the other two looked at him, seeing the improvement.

Jimin gave him a thumbs up. "Better." Jungkook nodded his agreement.

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