Taehyung Wear Your Shoes

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Yoongi yawned as he entered the kitchen, awaiting his cup of coffee to be made by Seokjin. A figure passed by him and he greeted the member sleepily. His gaze fell to his feet and back up to his face. He paused. Then looked again.

Continuing to walk he told the kid "Wear slippers kid. Jin-hyung's gonna scold you for that."

Taehyung could only pause and look down at his bare feet, wiggling his toes.


They were resting after a dance practice. Hoseok was chugging down his power drink when he caught sight of someone through the mirror. He was walking around the studio barefoot! And it's-

He turns and shouts at the kid "Yah Tae!" His head turns to him, curiosity on his face. He places his palm on the floor beside his thigh. "C'mon Taehyung-ah you're gonna make your feet dirty. Wear some shoes please."

He was kind of taken aback when his dongsaeng replied "But Hobi-hyung it's too uncomfortable! They're too scratchy and itchy!"

Hoseok could only stare back with an open mouth. This kid...

"Oh Taehyungie what am I gonna do with you?" he thinks aloud, running a hand across his face. Through his fingers he saw the younger smile and walk away as if being barefoot was a normal thing.

Hoseok's got nothing against it, really. Heck he even does that at home sometimes. What he's more worried about is the right time and place to be barefoot. He doesn't think roaming the entertainment building with no shoes on is quite acceptable. He can guess at least everyone will tell him to wear footwear as he roams the building.


Namjoon was brushing his teeth in the venue's bathroom when the door creaks open and it's to see Taehyung. He figures he just finished with his shoot since the makeup was still on. He was wearing eyeliner and a few smudges of mascara on his lashes. He also donned a white dress shirt and black slacks. His eyes go back to the mirror before checking the other's feet again.

"What the- Taehyung you're not wearing shoes," Namjoon tells his member, who nods.

"I know," was the short reply before he proceeded to wash his face. Namjoon meanwhile finishes up on his teeth and keeps his toothbrush.

"You've got nice shoes Taehyung-ah I don't understand why you don't like wearing them."

The other pauses to think up of a reply. "Cuz it's uncomfortable. It constricts my feet's movement. So I like it better when I'm not wearing anything." Satisfied with his answer Taehyung continues to wash his makeup off.

Namjoon stays silent before deciding to leave.


Thirty minutes didn't even pass when Taehyung threw off his slippers as he played video games with Jungkook. The maknae's eyes dart to the pair before concentrating on the game once more.

"Hyung why don't you like wearing footwear?"

"Cuz it's itchy and I always lose my balance."

Jungkook's brows knit at the unclear answer. "How does it make you trip?"

He earned a shrug and another attempt at explanation. "Uh I don't feel the ground and it squeezes my toes together. I don't like that feeling. So as much as possible I always wanna take it off."

The maknae then decides to stay quiet and ask no more. "Okay then." But seriously he still wanted to ask though he's got a feeling that he won't understand anything anyway so best to keep quiet and ask the others instead.


The members were all in a circle, ready to play Uno. At first Jimin didn't pay attention much since he was focused on the game and he wanted to win. But then he spotted his best friend Taehyung crosslegged and shoeless. He was sure he was wearing those black sneakers a while ago. Was he dreaming?

"Jimin-ah you lost again," cut Yoongi and he turns to his hyung with a blank and shocked face.

"What? Impossible!" He was upset, a pout forming on his lips. Yoongi tapped those lips. Jimin looked at him.

"Stop pouting you baby you're gonna stay in that position forever." He looked to Seokjin, who was busy saying something to Jungkook. "Yah hyung stop that and let's get on with the game." He flashes a smile at Jimin before focusing back on the eldest.

After an hour everyone wanted to eat so they started to pile out of the room. Jimin stayed behind to fix up the cards everyone left since he didn't like messes much. But he caught a glimpse of Tae and so looked.

Sure enough the kid was walking out with each pair of shoe in one hand. Jimin opened his mouth to say something, but decided not to since he thought Taehyung's been through enough questions and explanations already. He just hoped that this friend would wear his footwear properly and not use them for gloves one day.


Jin was cooking breakfast for everybody and he wanted it to be perfect as always.

Shuffling feet were heard and he turned his attention toward the sound, only for Taehyung to appear. They both flash smiles at each other and Jin went back to frying rice.

Taehyung still felt disoriented. He felt an uncomfortable feeling near his feet. It was itchy and he wanted to scratch it. His half-awake brain did the only thing it thought as logical: it commanded his feet to slip off the annoying material. He did so, with such force that it sent the fluffy slippers flying, enough to catch Jin's attention. He almost spilled half the rice because of it!

He opened his mouth to yell at the idiot dongsaeng but then noticed he was gone. A snore was then heard below and to confirm it was him, he leant his body on the table to see Tae fast asleep on the floor.

"Yah! Anyone wake up and carry this kid back to bed!" Jin yelled in the silent house. He saw Jungkook come over, still half-asleep. He grabbed his sleeping hyung's arms and dragged him off. Jin wanted to scold him but decided later since he was busy with food. Then he caught sight of the abandoned slippers. Haystt... the kid never wanted to wear shoes. Who could blame him? He could only hope that it doesn't become a problem later on.

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