Him and I

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I woke with a start as an intense pain ripped through my body. I cry out as the pain takes my breath and then goes. My mind races. That definitely wasn't a practice tightening. Deciding to get up I look around my room realising Jax isn't in bed. I'm confused, looking at the clock it's 4am. The house is dark and silent.

I try to get my brain working. Last night comes flooding back. I grin to myself seeing my engagement ring on my finger. Jax must of fallen asleep downstairs. I bet he didn't even try to wake me, stupid over possessive man. I better go find him, I think Macaulay might be ready to make an appearance.

Swinging my legs over the bed, I carefully stand up. Just as I do liquid runs down my legs. Oh dear I think my waters have broken. I flick my bed side light on just to confirm. Yeah there's a puddle on the floor. I need to get to the hospital. How exciting. This is really gonna happen. Me and Jax are gonna finally become a mum and dad. I can't wait.

I make it to the bathroom just as another pain hits me. I've now registered they are contractions. I grab the door frame and cry out as the most intense pain I've ever felt travels across my belly and down into my groin. I try to breath through it but ouch. I'm gonna have the whole house up in a minute.

Deciding I need to put something on before someone bursts in I grab one of Jax's Tshirts and a pair of his boxers. Pulling the boxers up they feel damp already. My waters must still be leaking. Well this is escalating quickly.

I use the toilet and brush my hair. I clean my teeth and wash my face. Checking my reflection I decide it will do. I must go find Jax we need to get to the hospital. Waddling out of my room, I get to the top of the stairs as another contraction hits.

"Arghhhhhhhhh" I wail out hunched over with the pain.

Well that's broken the silence. I hear sounds coming from all directions.

"Em are you ok?" T asks, full of concern.

I nod as the pain subsides.

"Macaulay's coming. My waters have gone and my contractions have started. I need to get Jax and get to the hospital" I reply.

"This is not a drill, everyone get the fuck up" T screams at the top of her voice.

Doors open all around, everyone filing out.

"What's going on?" Levs asks.

"Baby is coming" T confirms.

"Yes then. Where's Jax?" Levi asks.

"I dunno he wasn't in bed" I state.

Levi laughs. "He was fucked last night Em. Literally. Congratulations by the way. You made him the happiest I've ever seen him. He probably passed out downstairs. Me and Chris will go wake him".

I nod as Levi passes me and kisses my cheek. Chris trailing just behind him.

    "Where's your bag Ems?" Jess asks. "Have you got baby's bag?".

    "It's all downstairs" I say pointing to the bottom of the stairs.

   "What about you notes?" T asks.

    "Yeah there down there too".

   "Ok let's go" T says.

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