A Letter to My Anxiety

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Dear Anxiety,

    Stop making me overthink. Stop making me doubt everything; stop making me doubt myself. Stop making me think that everything's going to go wrong and I'll mess up. Stop making me think that everyone hates me and no one cares about me.
Stop making me search for a way out. Stop making me think that everyone's angry, disappointed, upset, frustrated, and annoyed with me. Stop making my voice break and my eyes fill with tears and my head hurt, and stop making my heart beat so fast.
Stop making me think that I'm a burden to everyone around me. Stop making me feel like I'm in the way and causing problems and messing everything up. Stop making me so quiet, and stop making me feel so guilty about every little thing I do wrong.

Anxiety, don't keep me up at night. Don't keep me up until 4 am, my eyes aching from tiredness and the tears that won't stop coming. Don't make me think about everything I've ever done that was rude, weird, wrong, or embarrassing.
Anxiety, don't make me feel like the world's burning down right in front of me, and stop making everything hurt so much. Don't make me feel like everyone's against me and they wouldn't even care if I was gone.
Anxiety, stop hurting me. Stop making my entire body ache. Stop making it so hard for me to breathe. Stop making me shake and sweat and choke up when I try to talk.

Anxiety, stop making me so terrified of the future and what will happen when I'm older. Stop making me think about everything that will be wrong with my life later when I'm not even out of high school yet. Stop making me unable to see myself make it past graduation. Stop making me so terrified of failure, stop making me afraid I'll never be good enough, stop making me think that I'll never amount to anything important, and stop making me feel like such a disappointment to everyone, especially myself.
Stop making me think dark thoughts late at night when I'm so exhausted but can't sleep. Stop making me look for ways to make all the pain go away. Stop putting thoughts in my head that I should hurt myself. Stop making me feel so terrible and awful and disgusting.

Anxiety, stop making me hate myself.

Anxiety, stop making me fake smiles and say I'm okay when I'm really not.

Anxiety, stop making me hide so much.

Anxiety, stop making me wonder why I'm even alive.

~ Me

Author's Note
I don't even know anymore.
Here you go.
Hope it makes sense.

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