•°ₒ▫ᵒᴼᵒ Chapter 10 ᵒᴼᵒ▫ₒ°•

Start from the beginning

" Uh, ... yes?" I said unsurely, " I mean, I like everything except Romance and Drama."

They all nodded and didn't say anything, I think they didn't want to say something wrong.

" And?"

They shared a look and turned to me, " Equalizer "

After Aidan paid we all sat in our seats but not before the boys bought tons of food, they tried to also buy me something but I denied, yes many people would be like " Free food?! " but honestly I didn't like to eat at cinemas.

" You really don't want something?", Aidan asked for the hundredth time.

" Yes, I'm very sure, thanks, and I also know that you have enough if you wanted to add this again.", I answered with a small smile and leaned against my seat. Even though that the movie was great, there were only a few other people in there so we all joked around the whole time and earned, fortunately, no hushes.

In the hallway, I looked at the clock and realized that it was 7pm now, and I still didn't get an E-mail back from Agent Davis, the agent who should grill the criminals. Maybe he was just busy, well hopefully.

We were walking outside and talked when I felt like someone was following us but when I turned around no one was there except for a few people at the ticket offices. If I didn't know better, I would have thought it was just a stalker, but I knew better.

The feeling followed me till we reached the car park and I always checked but there was no one.

"Hey, guys?", said Jack, " do you think that if you don't pay your exorcist that you get repossessed?"

What the...?

" Sorry?" , we all said in unison.

" Y'all understood me. So ?"

" Dude it's a priest..." I didn't pay attention any more and focused on observing, I looked over every car, exit and even the cameras but there was nobody.

Eventually, we reached the car I was the last one who climbed in but as soon as I sat there I noticed a guy who was in the cinema hallway before. He had something familiar but I couldn't remember who he was.

" Guys, wait a minute I'm here in a sec..."

" Where ar-", but I shot the door before they could hold me back.

The guy who was probably following us, was standing with his back to me and also on his phone, man if you're spying someone than do it correctly.

" Excuse me, sir?", I said I know that I could just have hit him but I wanted to be sure before I did it.

When "he" turned around I was not even a little shocked. I should have known it.

" Hey, Stacy! Are you spreading your poison now over the city too? I thought the school was enough to contaminate the people, looks like I was wrong. First time I see you not in your pink heels, thought you had glued them to your feet, anyway, what are you doing?"

" This is none of your business, Nerd !", she snapped and turned to leave, good that I have good reflexes.

While she turned I grabbed her phone and jumped out of her reach.

On her screen was a photo, ready to post at many social media, of me and the boys with the caption "Nerd tries to sleep herself up now"

As I read the following texts underneath I always dodged when Stacy tried to "attack" me.

It was good that nothing was online so I still had the chance to delete everything without hacking through hundreds of phones.

" Oh Stacy, I don't need to do this", I gave her phone back to her, leaned down to her ear and whispered, " unlikely like you, Stacy, or should I say 'Geek-Angelique' , I know what you were at your last school."

Her face was filled with shock and unbelieve but also with a huge amount of fear. To say that I didn't enjoy this face would've been the lie of the year, hell I lived this moment!

A huge grin spread on my face when I saw her lips trembling and a few tears in her eyes.

" H- how? "

" This is none of your business, Angelique.", I said and looked pleased at the tears streaming down her face.

She started to sob and I walked back to the car, I was still near enough for her to hear, and the psychopath I am, it wasn't enough for me.

" From the school's most hated geek and nerd to the most hated bitch, what a development! "

Her crying got stronger which satisfied me even more. I'm going to hell.

Before anyone starts to judge me, let me explain:

Angelique Stacy Bower bullied every day tons of students who broke down crying and panicking every time, I knew that because I was the only one who had the guts to step between it. I was the only one who noticed it, I was the only one who got every punch and insult instead, and soon I was the only one important, the only one who got bullied.

The only difference between me and every other one before, was that it didn't interest me the slightest. If I wanted to, I could've just sent a statement to Director Thompson that I'll shoot her ( the perks of being the second boss) and it would've been okay. And there was also another point, the point that I knew her little secrets and that I could've destroyed her within 5 minutes.

I think it's more understandable now.


" Becca, what was the matter? ", Aidan asked as we pulled off to the street.

" Oh, I just saw an old acquaintance from my old school."

" A friend of yours?"

"No, more like an enemy. It's not important anyway."

" It is", they all said in unison, " we wanna hear the story."

" It's a pity that you won't."

" Aw, come on!"

" No, maybe another time." *cough * Another time called never*cough*


I now was sitting on my bed and thought about what I should do, it was 8pm so I had enough time for doing things. Amazing.

Before my motivation disappeared completely, I put on sport clothes and started to exercise.

Jogging, stretching, kickboxing and weightlifting, every time I do sports, I forget the time and the things swirling around in my head, it is an easy way to repress things.



Sorry for the late update but I had no time to write, typically school.

Anyway, what do you think about Stacy?

What happened to her?

And what is Shaya trying to repress?

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