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Fan Fiction writer, ssweet-serendipityy will definitely rock your day with her books and ideas. She is the author of books like My Famous Sister (Lauren Jauregui/ Fifth Harmomy) with over 433K views! Here's a Q&A I had with her.

1. Why do you like writing?

I've always enjoyed being able to create a world that I could just dive into. I love having the ability to create characters that people (as well as myself) can relate to or fall in love with. Here lately though, not only have I continued writing for that reason, but also to just escape my reality. This isn't the world I would like to be living in, nor is my life perfect, but I can make it better by creating another world anyone can get stuck in.

2. Where do you get ideas for your books?

I always get asked this question and my answer has always been the same haha. I'm constantly listening to music which in turn puts me into a creative set of mind. It can be anything from a single line of a song to a small action of a random person walking down the street that gives me ideas. Someone asked me once how I get inspiration from a random person walking and I honestly don't know. I just get struck with a random idea for a small part in a chapter or for a larger plot.

3. What genre do you enjoy reading and writing? Why?

I started out on fan fiction so I've been stuck there for six years but I'm a huge fan of horror and mystery/thriller.

4. What has been your proudest moment on Wattpad?

Honestly, I think it's just looking back on my first book that's still up and seeing how much I've grown as a person and a writer. I (regretfully) read through it and it surprises me how much a person can learn and better their writing in a few years.

5. Can we expect more works from you? If yes, what genre will they most likely be?

I have several other books I'm excited to start releasing and they will still be fan fiction. However, I'm also working on an original book, at least starting the thought process so I'm definitely not rushing it. Hopefully I'll finish it in a couple years (which seems like a long time but I do have a life). I'm working on a little bit of everything on top of the several mental breakdowns I have a day over college haha.

6. And finally, a word of gratitude to your supporters?

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I remember having 16 followers and thinking that was a lot. Now there's 1.2 thousand of you who read my books so thank you. You all have helped me grow as a writer and as much as I'd like to say I'd still be writing no matter how many supporters I had, the reality is that I probably wouldn't be. I most likely would have given it up all together, but you all keep me going. My writing and ideas may still be shit, but you all make me laugh at all your comments and you give me ideas.

I love you all. So very much.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go check out ssweet-serendipityy's profile!

Also check out my poetry book, Connected. Here's the blurb:

Have you ever been to the depth of words? Have you ever understood it? Have you felt it? Have you even gone deep enough... all the way to thier roots?

A paragraph is made by connecting sentences, sentences by connecting words, words by letters. And letters by emotions. And emotions are the roots, that hold the majestic tree of poetry.

These poems are written for those who experience the true magic of words when they swim into them; for those who feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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