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dragonembers13 is a fantasy and sci-fi loving author who knows how to paint the loveliest of pictures in your mind with just her words! Here's an interview I had with her.

1. When and why did you start writing?

I first started writing when I was in 4th grade. We had an assignment to write a summary of our own original story about The American Civil War of slavery (as it was we were learning about at the time). I was so excited and wrote something about a slave girl befriending her Master?s daughter and the daughter helping the slave girl escape. I was so proud. But everyone was asking me I told them about my idea and sure enough almost every 4th grader had the same idea as me... I was so upset. So I continued writing for fun, but for the next few years kept it secret and didn't show anyone.

2. Where do you get your inspiration and ideas from?

I am very inspired y JK Rowling, JRR Tolkien and Rick Rordan. They are all very talented authors and I've read their books so many times over.

3. Are you planning on writing more books? What genre will they most likely be?

Yes I am planning on writing more. I actually have a few draft ideas for novels in the Science Fiction, Teen Fiction and Post- Apocalyptic Genres

4. Most people give up on their books in the beginning. What kept you motivated?

What really kept me motivated was @Survivors_Fan and akk the advice I received with starting out. @Survivors_Fan told me to keep writing and to pist on a schedule and to interact with people. Also all the friendly and supportive comments from people who have read my stories.

5. Are your characters based on real people?

Some of my characters are inspired by real people, more so in True Heroes than in The Dragon Treaty. But sometimes reading back on wgat I am writing I can really see some of the personalities of people I know in real life leaking into some of my characters. For example Astra, who is completely a free standing character. But writing her dialogue, I can really see one of my best friends coloring her personality.

6. Why do you like fantasy and science fictions the most?

Both the Fantasy and the Science-Fiction genres are what I read the most of. But in these two genres, especially in fantasy, you have such a wide range of things to write, you basically have no borders. You can write whatever made up thing you want and it will most likely fit into your story. The Sci-Fi genre is different. One of my favourite Sci-fi series, The Virals, is extremely... well 'sciency'. Everything has to fit like a puzzle, all the science and theories have to be research driven and make sense. That's why I love both of these genres, it takes a completely different mindset for each to write and read them.

7. Would you like to give some advice to new writers?

My advice is that you have to try and post on a regular schedule. Friday's and Saturday's are the best. Also try to focus on one story at a time, especially in the beginning, after you get the hang of writing on a schedule then you can challenge yourself and try to write and publish two stories on a schedule. Also there is no harm in revising, if you have to take down your story and take a bit to fix it, that is perfectly alright. There is no shame on cleaning up your writing. Also keep an open mind to everyone and every genre, don't be afraid to write or read something different.

This was dragonembers13. Be sure to check out her books!

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