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Itty2bitty is an amazing author of many books. She has written books in multiple genres. Her book "The Promise" has really given a new taste to romance. Here's a little interview I had with her.

1. When and why did you start writing?

I've always been a writer, I'd take notebook paper and fold it in half when I was like 3, and I'd write stories on them and keep them, when I was 7 I'd write in notebooks and now I'm on wattpad. I write because there's a lot of emotions I keep pent up and writing releases that in healthy ways for me and is a healthy way to cope with anything really

2. Where do you get your inspiration and ideas from?

I am insane (haha) so I get inspiration from scenes in movies, characters in movies, song lyrics even photos on pinterest and instagram. I once got an idea while in the ladies room because of how the tile was patterned! So really I get ideas everywhere, which is also why I have 45 half finished books in my library right now.

3. Which book did you enjoy writing the most and why?

I really wnjoy writing them all, right now I am enjoying writing two books, the Band Mate's Girl because the humor behind it and the characters make me smile, and the book, Teetering over the Edge because it really helps me release my anxiety out and into another character, I'm also enjoying it because its writing a bit of a darker sroryline.

4. Many writers give up on their books. What helped you keep on going?

I actually have tons of books I haven't finished, I've only finished one but I have five readings for five other books as well, my fanfiction or random books I haven't published rarely get endings sadly, but if I'm really interested in the storyline, I'll do anything to keep the story going, even if it means one half decent chapter, I usually always try to push through, looking at dialogue prompts online help as well

5. Are your characters based on real people?

Yes and No. For male characters I take my anger out and put it in their personalities, I have multiple male friends so I usually just morph my favourite parts of them into one character, and they all usually have something in common in every book, the males have always had bits of sad pasts, as do my females which I base off of me and 2 other friends, mainly because everyone has a chapter of their life they don't read aloud, plus most if my friends including me have had unconventional pasts and we all tend to view it similarly, I have anxiety- therefore if you notice, every female character I write will mention somewhere along the way that she has the disorder as well. It's such a huge part of life so I can't just leave it out of my books.

6. Is there anything you would like to say to your readers and the people who helped you?

Thank you for putting up with my wonky update times and random crazy chapters, and for sticking by me through it all, it really helps

7. Finally, would you like to give some advice to writers on wattpad?

Advice... Well I don't have tons of reads so I can't help there, but like many quotes say, write what scares you, put yourself into the characters because as you grow to love your characters- you'll realize you're growing to love yourself (It really helped me in realizing I was a good person) But treat your characters like your kids, they have to go through some hardships to mature, they'll have flaws because they're human, but love them none the less. Once again, it helps to put your emotions into another character, and it's easier if that character has a different name than yours. Write what scares you, what makes you happy, what makes you excited... if you do that, you'll be writing for a long time.

Thank you for inviting me to answer these questions, it really means a lot! <3

This was Itty2bitty. Go check out her books!

Comment any authors you want me to interview.

Also, check out my poetry book, "Connected".

Blurb of Connected:

Have you ever been to the depth of words? Have you ever understood it? Have you felt it? Have you even gone deep enough...  all the way to thier roots?

A paragraph is made by connecting sentences, sentences by connecting words, words by letters. And letters by emotions. And emotions are the roots, that hold the majestic tree of poetry.

These poems are written for those who experience the true magic of words when they swim into them; for those who feel.

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