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BloodOfGotham is a fantasy author. With his short stories like 'Labrynth' and 'Eyes' it is inevitable to vote. He has written novels like 'Through Broken Lens' with over 2.95K reads!

1. Why did you start writing?

Well, when I was little I was a very envious child, which is funny because I’m not envious now. One day a kid in kindergarten brought in a Dr Seuss book to read, something like Green Eggs and Ham. I wanted the glory and accolades he received, so the next day I brought in an 800 page collection of Seuss’s entire body of work (complete with illustrations) and read three stories (How the Grinch Stole Christmas, The Sneetches, and The Cat in the Hat). Then I decided that wasn’t enough and that in order to get some real applause I needed to write my own book, and it sort of sprung from there. Though now I don’t need applause and praise to be happy with the work I’ve done. 

2. What do you like best about Wattpad

Wattpad was the first platform for unpublished writers or writers of my age I was exposed to, at age eleven when I had this atrocious writing account where I wrote awful Percy Jackson fan fictions. I’ve always been loyal to the site because it sort of made me aware of new works and writing style and sort of shaped me into the writer I am today, 

3. What genre do you prefer writing? Why?

I enjoy writing in the fantasy genre most of all, because of its endless possibilities. When you right about stories set in the 21st century Earth that we’ve grown up in, there’s a set of societal norms and laws the characters either break or follow; those stories are formulaic, everyone single one, at least to me. When you write in the fantasy genre, you have the power to create worlds and creatures and monsters that only you can create. Even if you choose for your fantasy novel to be set in our world, you can still push the boundaries and introduce fantastic elements that we wouldn’t even dream of seeing. It’s a very freeing niche to write in. 

4. Where do you get inspiration?

Inspiration for me comes from everywhere. Some big ones are movies, music, and other books; the biggest inspiration is real life. You know I’ll hear a story from a friend or read/watch the news or just see something that sparks a bit of creativity. Also, Pinterest (lol). 

5. What has been your proudest moment on Wattpad?

My greatest Wattpad moment was probably getting 1K reads on my novel “TBL”, which unfortunately has come to a bit of a stall due to a severe case of writer’s block. Just knowing that the work I had created and put so much of myself in had reached that number of people made me very proud of myself. 

6. What do you think is the hardest part about writing?

Writer’s block, FOR SURE, but also keeping yourself encouraged. You see other writers getting the limelight and getting published and such, and you can’t help but wonder “Why isn’t this me? Am I not good enough?” It’s very hard to keep faith in writing, but it’s the most rewarding feeling when your faith pays off, and eventually it always does. 

7. A word of gratitude to everyone who's helped you with your writing?

Thank you SO MUCH to my readers, followers, Wattpad friends, etc. You guys give me so much support, and I actually have no words to describe the feeling of happiness and radiance you all give me. So again, thank you all so much.

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