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ELatimer is a fantasy writer with mind blowing ideas. Her books are among the populars on Wattpad. Here's what she had to say:

1. When and why did you first start writing?

I started writing almost as soon as I could pick up a pen, because I loved books so much and wanted to entertain other people the way they entertained me!

2. Where do you get inspiration and ideas from?

I think art comes from art. I read a lot, watch movies, tv, anything with a story. I get a lot of inspiration from that.

3. Why did you choose fantasy as your main genre.

I grew up reading Robert Jordan, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. I grew up loving magic and wishing it were real, so the next logical step was to try to create my own!

4. Which book did you enjoy writing the most?

I really enjoyed writing my published book, The Strange and Deadly Portraits of Bryony Gray, (which, subtle pitch, which you can find at any bookstore across North America). For me, it was a fun way to play with something "scary" without it actually being too horrifying, plus creating the imagery of paintings tearing themselves out of canvases, and this sort of rabid pack of art work rampaging through 19th century London, was really just loads of fun.

5. What do you think is the best part about writing?

Getting to create your own worlds and characters.

6. Would you like to share some advice with new writers on Wattpad?

Write because you love to write. And don't let anyone tell you that you're "wasting your time" or that you should be more realistic or whatever silly stuff adults say to young people these days. Do what you love.

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