Chapter 1

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Hiccup's POV:

I was flying by the oceans again on toothless, waves crashing by waves, the salty sea water pressing on my skin, the wind blowing through my helmet and into my face, thunder drum dragons diving and leaping in the ocean along with scauldron dragons. I felt free. It have been over a month since me and toothless found my mom, valka and defeated drago and how my dad died, AND how toothless became the new alpha. Yeah, I found my mom, she has been rescuing dragons all along, dragons, dragon vigilante. My mom told me every adventure she have been through, even her secrets, every single one of it. But there is this one secret that she was keeping from me, she avoids me when I asked her what's that secret about, but anyway, I have to enjoy my time being free again and take my mind off from dad's death, it's still fresh, I rather enjoy this than worrying a little secret from mom. I was flying around and across island by island till I went near mysterious island, I was told that it has mysteries that is unbroken, they said that there are dragon spirits living there, they also said that the island curses you once you trespass, the people kept threatening me to not go near the island that I am already scared to go near, so I patted toothless to avoid the island till I heard a dragon scream, monstrous nightmare to be pherhaps. So I tried to let toothless go near the island but he wouldn't budge and just growled,

"C'mon bud, we have to go and see what's going on. You know how I felt about dragons." I patted his head and he growl but went near anyway, he landed on the beach, this island is so big, well, it's as big as berk. I took a gaze on this creepy island, it's so quiet as it usually be. And it's also kinda. Creepy. So creepy.

"Hello? Is the-is there anybody there!?" I called out after I took my helmet off and ruffled my hair. There was no respond but a creepy whisper from the wind, if you were here I could already imagine you retreating in your dragon, if you had one. I didn't step forward from where I stood, of course, who knew what lies beneath this creepy, thick fog that is now in front of me, no one does. Nobody do that here in mysterious island, of course, it's mysterious island were talking about here, I mean hello? There were shadows gliding across the fog, I can't tell what it is, but it seems to be a... Dragon?

"What are you doing here!?" I heard a voice from behind me, I gave a yelp, cause I'm freakin scared right now, I turned around with a step back and preparing my flaming sword and I pointed it at the source of the voice when I turned around she has a bow in her hand and pointed it with the arrow at me too.

"Whoa!" I whispered and dropped my sword, grr, hiccup your so clumsy and now I'm standing here unharmed from shock ness,

"Who are yeh and what are yeh doin' here!?" She demanded, I took a good look of her, I notice her hair was a combination of mine and dad's, brown with shades of red, her hair was braided and hung on her left shoulder, there was a small portion of her hair that was braided till it ended up being braided completely with the others, she wasn't wearing any armor, she looks like a pirate than a Viking, because she wore this black vest-like jacket with a white rolled-up sleeves underneath it, she wore a gray-black pants, and a knee high black boots, she also has a brown braided band across her forehead and around her head, she has tons of bracelets on her right arm, from the looks of it, I think she has 15 of them, she has a fire tattoo on her right shoulder with a Raven, it's like the Raven is flying on fire, behind her hung her quiver that are filled with arrows with red feathers, she was still looking at me menacingly, and what that attracted me most was her eyes, they were forest green as mine, she has lots of similarity features as mine, but she have this accent, I was still deep in my thoughts, and I didn't notice that she was talking to me,

"Hello? Earth to stranger? Didn't you heard what I said?" She asked me, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her nervously,and scared, afraid of being cursed, so I kept my mouth shut,

Dragon Sister (A HTTYD2 fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now