Not an update... GOOD GOD!

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Actually it's just been a year.

But I'm terribly sorry about the long delay. God, I'm so awful.

But I realized something that, I'm a terrible writer from the very beginning of this book! But I'm a better writer now! I have improved. My writing skills have improved, I think. O_O

Like, oh my god. Grammar. Dude. RIP English! So my apologies.

Lately I am not feeling well (body and health issues) and have lost inspiration for this book and I have moved to a new fandom, which is the Attack on Titan fandom :3 if you're an otaku, I love you.

Hate me, I think I deserve it T.T but it's okay! Someday I'll be publishing another book. A book that I'm hopefully gonna be sticking with till the end of it.

So yeah! I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you guys someday but not today >.<

So this book is going to be discontinued. Not gonna be deleted but discontinued. I'm so sorry. And yeah, I changed my name.

So, I'll go cry in the corner now, bye.

And if you guys wanna know more details about me, I can do a Q and A book, just comment and let me know ;)

Don't just believe in magic, believe in yourselves..
- ChaoticMagic the RebelliousMagician

Dragon Sister (A HTTYD2 fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now