Chapter 13

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Raven's POV:

Dragon sister? Really? So that's the story of my mother....

It didn't took another moment when HFD (head father dragon) showed me around, the island was amazing! There was a cave where all the dragons sleep in and there was even hot springs! I think I will love it here, I let Nightwing play with the other baby dragons as I kept looking around, I spotted a tree, it was huge! So I climbed it, I saw the sun setting making me think of my adventures a while a ago until now.

Why going back now when I can make a new life here, I'm the last star that found her spot in the world.

But wait! 'Mum' told me that my real mother was trying to protect me from dragons and how come HFD told me that she and I used to live with them, so both my mothers are lying.

Fudge them.

Third person's POV

The morning sun rise spreading throughout the island of Tarina (a/n: made up island), the sun rays beautifully peek out from the mountains, the wind calmly whispers everywhere, the water in the oceans splashes gently on the surface, the gentle chirps of the birds, everything was calm and of course the loud roar of a dragon has to ruin it all.

Speeding by was a black creature, a night fury, on top of it was a 14 years old girl wearing a mask with brown-redish hair, the girl happily laughs as the dragon spat fire at a nearby tree,



The girl laughed louder when she heard those calls from the town, she let the dragon burn another tree, but soon it made a forest fire,

"Whoops!?" The rider giggled, she dove down and hid nearby a cave, her plan was to alert the townspeople that there was a dragon crossing there territory and therefor they will be guarding there valuable things and that is the goal of this mysterious rider, night fell and this girl along with her dragon, hid behind a bunch of bushes and trees, that survived the fire, and eyes a big house own by a very wealthy chief, by window she spotted the chief's wife preparing for bed, her eyes sparkled when she saw a gold necklace, she smiled as she hides away, she waited till everyone was asleep and by dawn she will take what she wants.

Morning came, the chief's wife woke up and scan her room happily but she frowned when she spotted her necklace was not there the last time she placed it, she called for her husband but little did she knew that behind her burnt curtain was a mark, out of a dagger,


The mark of the Mysterious Thief.

The 14 years old thief went back home from the black market, she sold the necklace for 100 golds, she said to the man she sold the necklace to that he can live a under a chief's house if he frame another person that stole the necklace and say nothing about her as the Mysterious Thief, when she landed her dragon on an island, she was greeted by a growl of a dragon, she look up slowly,

"H-head Father Dragon, h-hey?" She smiled sheepishly,

"Out stealing AGAIN were you Raven?!" His voice boomed through her mind, she winced sheepishly,

"I wasn't stealing, psh, steal is such a, uh, strong word?" That came out like a question than a sentence, "How bout we say, um, uh, borrow? Hehe."

"Have you not realize what consequences you're gonna put us dragons through?!" HFD said to Raven, whose head hung low,

"And as for you, Nightwing!" HFD turned to the night fury, "I expected more from you than stealing! Of course you HAVE to do it! You're a night fury the holy offspring of the night!" (A/n: sorry if the definition is wrong, I forgot!)

Dragon Sister (A HTTYD2 fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now